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6 contributions to Freedom Academy
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
As mentioned in the modules, the recovery journal is a very effective way to go on the offensive with your recovery. Up to this point, you have been reacting to urges, intrusive thoughts, and fantasies. Now it is time to go on the offensive! So here is how you can use this journal to maximize success: (I will know if you don't use this) Daily Entry: You can do one or both of these entries for your daily... 1) Talk about benefits, vision, or the "why" for that day. This can keep you mindful of why you want to get over your sexual vices, especially early on. You can even do the opposite, even though I personally don't use this one very often. So you can talk about what your life would be like if you were to continue to act out with porn, masturbation, or sex workers. 2) You can plan for you day in terms of recovery... Are you anticipating a stressful day? Plan on how you will deal with the stress when it comes up so you can ensure that you don't use a sexual outlet instead. Expecting down time? Create a plan... Use this entry to plan for potential pain agents so you can deal with them properly. This is my favorite use of the recovery journal and something that I still use to this day! Reactive Entry: Use this entry when you find yourself dealing with an urge. WHY? Because you will have DATA. WHY did the urge come? WHERE were you? HOW did you react? WHAT can you do in the future? It can even stop you from acting out, especially if you were to talk about your "why". Retrospective Entry: This is done after any setbacks that you may experience... Most men try to forget the experience ASAP because they don't want to sit in the pain. However, there is so much important data they aren't considering like WHY? WHEN? What can I do better on in the future? The men that have the most success in recovery collect this data when a setback occurs. If you want success, you do these daily below...
New comment 4d ago
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
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@Isaiah Dickens It's good to hear you're enjoying yourself at the beach. The environment of the beach can be extremely calming especially when there aren't many tourists. Nonetheless, keep up the good work. May God Bless you in your path!
0 likes • 4d
Daily Entry: 9/16/24 Today was a productive and busy day, and I'm glad I finished my tasks for today. However, I did have some sexual urges, and I didn't act upon it. That being said, I'm constantly trying to see women at my university; I think it's because of the desire for a sexual escape in my life. I want the sexual satisfaction, and I'm not achieving it due to refraining from my sexual vices. Hence, I get the urge to stare and fantasize about girls at my university. I've dealt with this issue in the past. This time I'm going to utilize the RB and self-talk method to refrain from fantasizing and staring at girls within my university. I don't think many of them are aware due to the staring being very short and in-bursts. However, I know I'm faltering in my journey by allowing this level of sexualization control me. I'm going to be busy with multiple assignments and classes tomorrow, but I'm always up for a challenge. We must continue on this path God set for us to become the best men we can become. I'm staying clean to be the best academic, social, physical, and mental version of myself. May God Bless you all, and let's take on tomorrow!
Watch My Entire Story Here
New comment 15d ago
Watch My Entire Story Here
3 likes • Jul 15
Coach, we need to know how you got out of this rut. This video is really inspiring especially after a relapse.
New Video
Good video go check it out
New comment Jun 17
New Video
1 like • Jun 17
I found more of his videos; this guy is addicted to a lifestyle we aren't far from. We must stay strong, brothers. Let's do this, together!
Just hired a full-time editor!
Get ready brothers! I will start to scale this movement! I've been lazy with posting but that will all change. Please pray for me as I go all in on YouTube and Instagram full-time
New comment Jun 16
0 likes • Jun 16
This is awesome. Looking forward to more content!
How does this look in your life?
“Set your gaze on the path before you with fixed purpose, looking straight ahead, ignore life’s distractions” - Proverbs 4:25
New comment Jun 14
0 likes • Jun 14
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Abner Joseph
22points to level up
Let's take this on!

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Joined Sep 13, 2024
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