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Just hired a full-time editor!
Get ready brothers! I will start to scale this movement! I've been lazy with posting but that will all change. Please pray for me as I go all in on YouTube and Instagram full-time
New comment Jun 16
Just started
I just had the aha moment after listening to Success Stories in the classroom. A friend of mine told me I seem to be delayed.. I felt disrespected. I have a masters and a career like who are you to tell me I’m delayed lol… but then I realized. I just started watching porn again and the things/ explanations she was giving me were if actions I made as a result of watching porn. Watching porn can affect the way others view you in subtle ways. This is a big lesson for me.
8 months clean of seed retention. it wasn't easy but overtime i recovered and overcome a issue i dealt with for a long time since i was 14 years old.
New comment May 6
The Art of Self - Control
Man it’s been more than a year since doing anything sexual. No escorts, No porn, No masturbation. (Did not have more than 10 relapses within the year) It’s safe to say that that’s not who I am anymore. I find it disgusting when I visit an adult site now and I’ve realized how much more in control I am compared to a year ago when I would give in, in an instant. How are you guys doing?
New comment Apr 29
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Freedom Academy
This community helps men overcome unwanted sexual desires
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