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Josh Lessard

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2 contributions to Josh Lessard
idea help
hey guys i am sketching out a title/thumb for ken mcelroy and having some issues with concept i would love some feedback or ideas here is the title What I've Learned From Owning 15,000+ Apartment Units then this is concept for thumbnail (i have tried having a bunch of apartments and buildings in the background but i haven't been able to make it look clean) so due to my lack of skill I needed to try an easier concept and rely more on psychology of it
New comment Apr 29
idea help
0 likes • Apr 27
The thumbnail fits very well with the rest of the videos already on Ken's channel, so changing it drastically might hurt performance from consistent viewers. Because of that, you should take whatever advice I give with a grain of salt. - The first thing that you need to consider is the intent behind the video, are you trying to cultivate a sense of trust towards Ken from the viewer, or are you more so trying to get them interested in the actual numbers and information within the video? If it's the prior, I think putting Ken's face as a prominent portion of the thumbnail is the right call. However, if it's the latter you could instead have the main focus of the picture being a background of one of his more impressive properties. - I believe you had the right idea in wanting a background, but you should stick more with single-shot pictures. It is far easier to take one picture as a background and build off of it to make it look good than it is to make your background from scratch with multiple pictures. - I have noticed that the best practice with text in thumbnails is to have an idea of what you want to write, but to put it in at the same time as any "image props" such as that graph line. I like this approach since text is especially useful for filling up negative space, but you also need to shape it around both the background and added "image props". For this particular thumbnail, I would have personally made the text slightly smaller so I could move it down to both fill up more space nearer the bottom and to get the text in a more central position. - Do not disregard font, you should scroll and see all the options given to you, and potentially even look at some third-party options to find what you really like. It is best to have only a few fonts you use in your thumbnails so as to create a sense of familiarity with your persistent watchers, but that just makes the fonts you use all the more important. - The coloring of text is a part of thumbnail creation I still do not understand as much as I would like to, but you could consider turning the BILLION from yellow to red for a pop as well as to really direct focus. However, that might only work since the background is currently only white with bars.
1 like • Apr 28
@Stefan Van den berg Yeah I saw right before posting, but I figured the advice I had typed out could still be of some help for future thumbnails.
Process For Finding an Industry
Hello everyone, it's very nice to meet you all. My name is Alex and I am fundamentally at square 1 of my entrepreneurial journey. I need to find a subject and industry that is profitable, accessible, and most importantly something I can be passionate about. If you have any tips for the process of finding such an industry, they would be greatly appreciated.
New comment Apr 27
0 likes • Apr 27
@Stefan Van den berg No, that's where the trouble lies. Honestly, my main goal with the joining of this group was to potentially find something I would love to work at. I would be more than satisfied were that to happen.
1 like • Apr 27
@Stefan Van den berg Thank you for the advice, your second post was especially helpful. Looking at a potential business as I would a car is a good analogy considering the 3 steps you gave; it made me realize that I should take a step back and actually think about my end goal as well as the specifics behind it. Thank you again for the advice.
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Alexandru Chirnoaga
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