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Mortal Kombat Brotherhood⚔️

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The Halal Network

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The 1% Club

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Skool Community

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Skool Masterclass (Free)

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42 contributions to Mortal Kombat Brotherhood⚔️
All you have is ACTION!
All you have under control is your actions. This took me some time to realize. Everything in our life happens because of our CHOICES. Literally everything. The circumstances we are in or the progress we are making. However sometimes we get tangled up in our minds by constantly worrying about the things we can't control. The biggest mindset shifts that I experienced recently was that I don't have any control over the outcome... However I can decide here and now what should be my next move. All I have is the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. God decides the reward and punishment. Do you agree?
I need to come clean with you all. I owe you the truth about why I disappeared and why I haven’t been as engaged as I should have been. Creating this community was a dream come true for me. For the past two years, I’ve been grinding on Twitter/X, pushing to make this vision a reality. My goal has always been clear: I want to replace my full-time job and dedicate myself to being an online personal development coach, helping men get lean, learn to fight, and become the best versions of themselves. These past five months, I’ve been running on pure determination—waking up at 4 a.m. every day, writing, creating content, and handling all the behind-the-scenes tasks that come with building a business. I was laser-focused on figuring out how to make this community something truly special. My days were relentless: up at 4 a.m., out the door for work by 6 a.m., back home by 6 p.m., and then right back to work on this dream. I was seeing progress. It felt like I was finally moving forward, and I embraced the “work, work, work” mentality with everything I had. But I made a mistake. I stopped training, meditating, reading and doing my rituals that make me...ME. Thinking if I just pushed hard enough now, I’d soon have the time to focus on my health and on helping you guys achieve your goals. Then I burned out. Hard. And when I hit that wall, I crashed. I fell back into my old vices—Cannabis, video games, junk food and neglecting the discipline I preach about. I fell into despair & honestly felt like I didn't want to do this anymore. I was so focused on the future I was neglecting the present. I spiraled into a place I never thought I’d find myself in again. I love Martial Arts, shooting my bow, going to the GYM, taking care of my garden... But I stopped because I acted as if I didn't have time for all of this Burnout happens when you’re so focused on work that you forget the things that make you who you are. It’s a lesson I’ve learned the hard way multiple times I’m sharing this with you because I believe it’s something a lot of self-improvement coaches don’t talk about: the fall.
New comment 28d ago
1 like • 28d
@Joshua Cuthbertson Totally agree with you, now it's time to bounce back.
This sings to my very core
The battle make a man a hero... Death makes the hero a legend... Time makes the legend a myth... ...and that myth inspire a man.
New comment 28d ago
This sings to my very core
0 likes • 28d
This is so deep and relevant.
Skill Tree: Basics of Self-Defense Every Gamer Should Know
In every game, mastering the basics is essential before advancing to more complex skills. The same applies to self-defense. Knowing fundamental self-defense techniques can empower you in real life, giving you the confidence and ability to protect yourself if needed. Here’s a guide to the basics of self-defense every gamer should have in their skill tree. 1. Situational Awareness Awareness is your first line of defense. Recognizing potential threats before they become a problem is key. Tips: - Stay Alert: Avoid distractions like excessive phone use when in public. - Assess Your Surroundings: Know where exits and safe spots are. - Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off, it probably is. Remove yourself from the situation if possible. Action: Practice being more mindful of your surroundings during your daily routine. 2. Basic Strikes Learning basic strikes can help you defend yourself if you’re physically threatened. Key Techniques: - Palm Strike: Aim for the attacker’s nose or chin with the heel of your hand. - Elbow Strike: Use the sharp point of your elbow to strike the attacker’s face or body. - Knee Strike: Target the groin or midsection with your knee for maximum impact. Action: Practice these strikes in a controlled environment, focusing on accuracy and power. 3. Defensive Stance A proper stance can help you maintain balance and prepare you to defend against or deliver attacks. How To: - Feet Shoulder-Width Apart: Stand with your feet staggered, one foot slightly ahead of the other. - Hands Up: Keep your hands up in front of your face, ready to block or strike. - Stay Loose: Keep your body relaxed but ready to move quickly. Action: Practice shifting into a defensive stance quickly from a relaxed position. 4. Escape Techniques Knowing how to break free from holds can prevent an attacker from gaining control. Techniques: - Wrist Release: Twist your wrist toward the attacker’s thumb to break free from a grip. - Bear Hug Escape: Drop your weight, create space with your hips, and strike to break free from a bear hug.
Skill Tree: Basics of Self-Defense Every Gamer Should Know
Which time do you prefer to workout?
I personally because of my schedule workout in the evening. There's a lot of debate is out there that morning workout are the best and evening workout might affect sleep. However I would like to know from you all what do you think? Also state the reasons
2 members have voted
New comment Aug 19
1 like • Aug 14
@Marcus Sanders Great! totally makes sense
0 likes • Aug 19
@Eissa Abdelghany Absolutely perfect
1-10 of 42
Md Ayaan Ali
77points to level up
Allah is watching me and he is testing me with trials and tribulations to see how well I perform. I have a duty to perform at my optimal level.

Active 9d ago
Joined May 20, 2024
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