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Skool Community

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Public • 6 • Free

4 contributions to Skool Community
Levels are impossible to reach
Has anyone ever reached level 9? I was excited to build a community on Skool mainly because of the points system and being able to unlock content at different levels. But when I dove into how many points each level required and the ways to earn points it seems almost impossible to achieve the top level (9). Here is the points levels from what I have seen: Level 1 - 0 pts Level 2 - 5 pts Level 3 - 20 pts Level 4 - 65 pts Level 5 - 155 pts Level 6 - 515 pts Level 7 - 2015 pts Level 8 - 8015 pts Level 9 - 33015 pts Level 10 - ? Never before seen, but suppose to be one. Seeing as pretty much every level is about 4x as many points as the previous level, it makes sense that Level 9 is that high. The smaller levels have less of a multiplier and only need roughly 3x as many points as the previous level. Level 9 is unachievable, even for an admin. If someone were to achieve level 9 within 5 years of consistent posting/commenting that would mean they would need to average 17 points/day for 5 years straight. To achieve a level 8, someone would need to average 4 points/day for 5 years. For instance, Tedd Carr is a Level 6 - Grandmaster with 1530 points. He joined in Feb 2022. So achieved this in 11 months with an average of just over 4 points/day. It will take Tedd another 4 years to achieve Level 8 at this pace. And this is in a community of 9,600 members, which is pretty decent. Another example is Sid Sahasrabuddhe, who actually works for Skool, is Level 7 - Goat but has 5576 left before reaching Level 8. Sid seems to have joined in Dec 2019, so he has been at this for a little over 2 years. How does someone get points in order to move up in the ranks? You need to create a Post or Comment on someone else's post... but you don't get points for that... someone ELSE needs to Like (👍 ) your Post or Comment and you get 1 point for either of those. I've seen it recommended to put your rewards at levels 3, 5 and 7. So once a member reaches level 7, other than being a helpful person and giving into their habit of posting/commenting, there is no longer any incentive for these top contributors to be a part of the community.
New comment 7d ago
Levels are impossible to reach
0 likes • Jan '23
@Sid Sahasrabuddhe Interesting that there are groups that have reached that level of engagement. Level 10 would be insane amounts of engagement. Are any of the groups you mentioned public so that I can join to see this level of engagement?
1 like • Jan '23
@Luis Naranjo understandable. However your ability to level up is completely in the hands of other community members. You can post and comment to your hearts content, but if not a single community member gives you a 👍 then you are stuck at level 1 forever. So it is not really how engaged you are at all.
Public Groups and Sharing
We’ve switched our group to public to get the indexing and search hits but have a question. How much of our content should we leave open? We will in time be adding paid course content within classroom but do you all think there is a need to put other content behind say level 2? Observers can then see community chat and some content but would have to chip in a little to see the rest? As far as I am aware there isn’t an option to make classroom content available only to people with a Skool account that have joined the group?!
New comment Jan '23
3 likes • Jan '23
Curious as well. It would be cool if there were communities/filters/whatever that were unlockable as well. Not just course content. That way, like you said, they have to chirp in a bit on the free content in order to unlock the rest of the discussions.
Launching of Skool Subgroups
Hello @Sam Ovens can you update us on the ETA the delivery/update of Skool subgroups.
New comment Jan 14
1 like • Jan '23
Curious as well. The filters 'work' but are not very intuitive or convenient.
The NEW way to get points & level up in Skool
Currently there are only 3 ways to get points on Skool... 1) You can make posts in the community and hope to get likes on your posts. 2) You can comment on posts and hope to get likes on your comments. 3) You can reply to to comments and hope to get likes on your replies. But what if you're an introvert or lone wolf who doesn't want to make posts, comment, or reply? Or what if you're just mega focused on course work and feel the community is a distraction/waste of time? Or what if a community is 'dead' and doesn't give you the likes you deserve? Or what if you don't speak English that well and suck at interacting w other people in english? How can you get points, level up and access new course material or the bonuses then? You can't. Or at least, not very well. Because you're relying soley on other people's approval and validation for your progress. And that's an issue. Because most of my membership materials & bonuses get unlocked as you level up... and I've already had several members in my community reach out to me and tell me they want to level up but don't want to make posts, comment, or reply just to get points. + I'm part of a Skool group with only 15 members, only 5 of which are active, so it makes it incredibly hard to get points & level up. So what's the solution? What if you could also get points by watching course material? Call em "Progress Points" Or what if you could also get +1 point each week just by remaining a member? Call em "Member Loyalty Points" Or what if you could also get points by completing a quiz? Call em "Quiz Completion Points" These are just some ideas. Happy to hear yours below.
149 members have voted
New comment Mar 21
The NEW way to get points & level up in Skool
3 likes • Dec '22
In Facebook they calculate their engagement not necessarily by how many likes each of your posts or comments get but by actually posting or commenting. For random example, they may award 10pts for making a post, 2pts for a comment and 1pt for getting a like on a post or comment. This rewards both contribution, giving value and carrying on conversations on their platform. I have won several group engagement contests by understanding their points system and engagement. If you award for posts as well then the group itself will become more active. People will be encouraged to answer posts. Which then ends up becoming a community lead group where they help each other vs only having a select few that are giving all answers and providing engagement.
2 likes • Dec '22
Another thing, as a group admin or moderator, I typically give every comment in my groups a like for 2 reasons: 1) to show them that their contribution does not go unnoticed and 2) to record that I've seen and read that post/comment. Again, giving points for commenting and then having someone like comments gives double the positive re-enforcement and dopamine hit.
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Bob Smitheronni
41points to level up
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Active 591d ago
Joined Dec 2, 2022
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