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Saving posts and communities
It would be really nice to have an option to save someones post so I can find it again. And save those into categories. Also, I'd like to be able to save communities I'm interested so I can come back to them later.
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Calendar: add all events?
Is there a way to easily add all events from a group into one's google calendar? Or have to click one at a time and "add to calendar" 😅
New comment 5m ago
Oof... no zapier for canceled skool member?
It definitely took away some excitement I have about Skool now that I realize that there's no way to automate things (via Zapier) when a member cancels 😕 Because when a paid member joins, Zapier can automate various things... have them join an outside email list, tag them in my CRM, add them to a google spreadsheet, etc.... but then it's surprising that there isn't a zapier trigger for the reverse as well (when a member cancels)? This makes frustrating manual work for an already negative experience (when a member cancels). Please help us make the member cancelation as painless as possible 🙏🏼
New comment 9m ago
Feature Request: Moderator/Admin History
If I delete a post in my community (which I do often), I'd love for it to be saved in an archive of "deleted posts" so I can show my team/fleet of mods which posts got deleted & why. This would allow me to train my team/fleet of mods to keep our community clean. Plus it would also allow me to see if mistakes were made, ie: if a post was deleted when it should not have been. 🙏🏼
63 members have voted
New comment 16m ago
Chat experience enhancements
Would love to see the following features: 1) Being able to "pop out" a chat window into its own window/browser. On desktop while chatting, the rest of the skool site is inaccessible. Sometimes while chatting you need to go reference a thread or another chat. At the moment this requires you to either a) close the current chat, go find the thing, reopen the chat and continue. Or b) manually open a new tab, navigate to skool, find the thing, and then switch back to the other tab. Having the pop out chat would make this much smoother IMHO. 2) Being able to search within a chat. If I'm looking for a conversation that happened a long time ago, being able to search for it by keywords instead of having to scroll like a caveman would be awesome.
New comment 19m ago
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