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Just Study It!

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Renatus Members ONLY Study Challenges with Group Cram Sessions to share insights. You have to just Study it, but you don't have to do it alone.


Vodyssey Empire Club

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STR DataSense

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Speaker Mastery Community

Public • 105 • $22/m

Expert Coach Program

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Skool Community

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Peak Performance Masterclass

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Heart Centered Speaker Network

Private • 109 • $5/m

45 contributions to Speaker Mastery Community
Award Winning Speaker
I just won the western Slopes online area (F3) in toastmasters yesterday and it caused me to pause and think about which awards mean something as a speaker… I know that honors, titles, designations and accolades matter significantly in Educational settings to build credibility however I’m curious what alphabet soup after your name matter the most if you are building to become a world class speaker? For example CSP( from the NSA), Accredited Speaker (Toastmasters), or Certified XYZ from XYZ business. It is all an outward badge to prove that you did a thing. Sure I am an Eagle Scout, S award winner , and sterling scholar, Multiple time award winning teacher and entrepreneur however some awards hold no weight outside of very specific organizations & circles so I don’t mention them.
New comment 18d ago
Feedback Requested.
I was asked by Russell Brunson as homework to create a value stack for my current offer. I have attached a table showing this value stack. Please give me the good the bad and the ugly. I will be selling the Mastermind for between $1497 and $1997
New comment 26d ago
Feedback Requested.
2 likes • Oct 31
Joshua, great start. I Donny have enough context to know the true value of your offer. Do you know Russel’s Lynchpin framework? I would look at what your Continuity is first. Then once that is dialed in, ask what is then most logical upsell.
2 likes • Oct 31
Would it be helpful to talk for 10 min? Give me a call tomorrow?435-238-0707
Where are you winning!
Comment below about where you are winning, personally or professionally. Watch that little “complete action” turn green when you do.
Complete action
New comment 26d ago
1 like • Oct 30
I am doing a deep dive on my origin story right now to write my books. Been a really eye opening experience. I have been sharing some of the pillar moments as mini speeches in Toastmasters. Then some of those I’ve dropped onto my YouTube Channel.
Why you're not getting more business and speaking gigs...
I recently asked in our Facebook community this question: How many speaking gigs have you earned by being a part of this community? I have had 2 comments that I was stoked, to see, and two that concerned me. @Jennifer Kitterman jumped in and shared "I'll have to add the exact number... Easily 20" @Kristy Hunter Shared this "...Marianne encouraging me to choose a date for that first Power Within event in May... I launched a daily Power Call, The Power Within Podcast, and Power Nights. I also started the Heart Centered Speaker Network on Skool, which has grown to over 110 members ... I’ve spoken at three teen events, delivered three concert keynotes, competed in three speak-offs (earning 2nd place), and been featured on eight podcasts—three from this community and five from others. Just this week, I received three more podcast invitations. This journey keeps building, and I can’t wait to see what’s next!" These ladies are killing it! At the same time, there were two comments that concerned me. One was "none" and the other was "I want to get my first gig" When I dove into these comments, HERE WAS THE CONVERSATION that worried me most. Them: "I want to get my first gig" Me: "What do you speak on?" And here's where it got concerning: Them:"I can speak on a lot of things if I have a topic I can do the research on it or even motivation" Why is this a problem? We don't know why we should listen to you if we don't know what you're saying. If you are not clear on STEP ONE of the 11 step process, then you will feel like you'd doing a lot of bsy work, without getting any traction. Share below: 1. What do you Speak on? 2. Did you create your own stage for it? Let's work on this together.
Complete action
New comment 28d ago
0 likes • Oct 30
@Joshua Phair you can do it!
0 likes • Oct 30
@Joshua Phair I'll collaborate with you on getting that done. reach out! 435-238-0707
The 1pager or 1 sheet
I had the opportunity to get some insight to the value of a one sheet from Dan Fleysham last week. He told me that the simpler your one sheet is and the easier it is to see you as the authority in your nitch the easier it is in 4 seconds to decide yes or No for a particular event. - Have you appeared on the News? - Do you have credibility? Book/Reviews etc - Widely Publicized shows or podcasts your guested on? - Do you have proof that this isn't your first rodeo? You in front of an audience? - Speaking experience with picture of you doing it. - Do you have clients that are highly recognizable? - Is it easy to know what you speak about and the problem you solve? - Where can people find you online? He gave so many useful tips at our summit last week but here are some of the top ones. I am still NOT perfect but this is my newest interation of it. Would love some feedback. Thanks!
New comment Oct 18
The 1pager or 1 sheet
0 likes • Oct 18
@Jason Rogers thanks for the feedback!!
1-10 of 45
Brigham Blackham
19points to level up
My passions are storytelling, language, theatre and education. I help busy professionals build wealth & lifestyle through vacation rental ownership

Active 4d ago
Joined Mar 13, 2024
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