A question I get asked ALOT is whether businesses actually need a dedicated HR person and the answer is (more often than not) NO ... Let's be clear on the question here however, HR (as in HR Management) is absolutely necessary and a requirement of all businesses that employ staff. But, does a business need a sole HR position in the business/org that is responsible for managing these duties? For smaller companies, particularly those with fewer than 30 employees, having a dedicated HR role may just not be necessary and could be considered overkill (think the old saying 'a sledge hammer to crack a peanut'). For most small businesses, a dedicated role focused on HR duties and ensuring employer obligations to staff are met, can sometimes be overkill for such a small team. Of course, this depends on the industry. Some sectors have extensive regulations and obligations, making HR a significant workload even for a 15-person team. However, more often than not, these businesses don’t require a full-time HR staff member.. With the right guidance, resources and advice, a dedicated manager/leader with a capable admin team can be just the tool required for the job . Here are some top tips for DIY HR in your business: 1. Schedule Regular HR Health Checks - Annual check-ups help ensure compliance with changing laws. Having an HR consultant on call can provide expert advice when needed, whilst also providing you with a report on what is and is not working well in your business. 2. Engage With a Learning Community - Like HR Help Hub! ✅ - great start! - Social Media Insights: Follow HR leaders and join industry groups for the latest updates. 3. Master Industrial/Professional Awards - Regularly check industry/professional (and other relevant legislation to your workplace) award rates using resources like the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website to ensure compliance. In Australia? Follow the Fair Work Ombudsmen for general and industry specific updates on all you need to know regarding changes to laws and regulations.