Does the NRLA still support the benefits of Landlords?
I came across this article recently questioning the role and purpose of the NRLA which prompted some thoughts. At least at GB Landlords we can assure Landlords that we are not commercial and do actually work for your benefit! Property118 | Is the NRLA still run for a common purpose? - Property118 I regularly hear Housing Providers (Landlords) complain that Ben Beadle has accepted the abolition of S21, the introduction of the Renters Reform Bill and now the new Renters rights Bill. Although he fought hardest for a recognition of Student Tenancies to remain as a fixed Term. However a regular comment was " well he would, as he is a student Landlord!" The NRLA seem to prefer to be seen as friends with politicians, rather than adversaries. At Landlord events their updates used to focus on Legislative changes and be really useful and informative for Landlords but unfortunately more recently they seem to be more about what Ben has done and who he is talking to, what the benefits of membership are and how you can join the NRLA. It has become a very commercial organisation selling training and services with copious numbers of emails hitting the inbox every week. I am not sure what exactly they can claim to have achieved over the last few years with changing Government plans. They have won industry awards, but that is of little benefit to a small landlord who is struggling to make ends meet! If you think there are wins they have had for Landlords, then please share them! Many of the Landlords I have spoken to at meetings were particularly concerned about a loss of S21, although they probably had rarely issued one. However they knew that if they had a problem Tenant they could at least recover the property, write off arrears and start again. That has gone. The only place I know that S21 was issued without cause was London where the agents saw it as a nice little earner every year and demand was good and Landlords are not particularly hands on!