Attention if you have property in Durham
Durham Council are relaunching their Durham Landlord Partnership forums. The first meeting will be on Thursday 5 December at Ramside Hall Durham. Starts at 5pm and finishes around 8pm. They will have speakers covering a range of subjects including Renters Rights Bill, Selective Licensing update, Healthy Homes Damp and Mould There will also be Networking time As if that was not enough they will also have Stalls and exhibits from other key partners including GB Landlords! If you are interested in attending this event or would like to be included on their mailing list for future events then contact Don't forget that old saying "Knowledge is Power" and in these challenging times Landlords should take every opportunity to keep up to date with anything that may affect or help their business! That is why GB Landlords make every effort to either provide or be associated with, any events that will benefit Landlords. Hope to see as many of you as possible there! Also don't forget to share the details about the event with your friends as well so they don't miss out.