I am interested in seeing if anyone has been successful in using Aminos to create a self selling bot like the guys at Closebot. Has anyone built something similar to that? I have been trying but not getting it quite right.
I thought this was super cool! I’m gonna try and implement this in my brow business to keep that content going while I get some traction in my ai automation biz! https://youtu.be/H0YRniHh2tg?si=kiYdbHbz5x2Axr2c
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Hi there! I'm Calie. I am building bots for women entrepreneurs. I am interested in seeing if anyone has been successful in using Aminos to create a self selling bot like the guys at Closebot. Has anyone built something similar to that?
Hell all! I ran across lindy.ai while watching some AI news this eve and while there is a 7 day 'free' trial, you must give up a cc first... anyone tried this AI powered automation tool yet?