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Beekeeping Mastermind

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5 contributions to Beekeeping Mastermind
Anyone heard of the FlowHive?
This showed up on my insta a while back (before winter) and have been kicking around the idea of getting this. Right now my two hives are in a normal bee hive box and a 55 gallon drum. The simplicity of this seems worth the cost but would like others to chime in. Flow Hive 2+ | The premium Flow beehive - Flow Hive US (
New comment Jun 27
0 likes • Mar 30
Hey @Clint Vorachard! I looked very briefly at FlowHive and haven't pursued it either. However your comment, "The biggest thing I liked about it was the minimum amount of disturbance to the hive" is really interesting. That "minimizing disturbance" is why I have looked very seriously at Layens type horizontal hives and the Warre hive "system." Both Layens and Warre hives use "top bars" instead of frames, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. There is certainly more "mass production support" for Langstroth compliant equipment.
The Warre Way
Is anybody here using the Warre hive design and associated beekeeping techniques?
New comment Mar 30
0 likes • Mar 30
I had hoped to have a couple of Warre supers ready to go after winter, but haven't gotten them built yet. (Still may -- just not sure I'll be ready to purchase a Nuc and get it started this spring.) My biggest concern is using "top bars" -- similar to what people use in horizontal hives. My second biggest concern is mite abatement. But the idea of having a "natural" hive that you need to manage very rarely is APPEALING!
Is my colony getting ready to swarm?
Soooo...I thought my colony died/absconded over winter There was very little activity around the hive as cold weather set in here in North Texas. I bought Brood Builder Patties from Dadant as a supplemental food (probably overkill in hind sight), and except for opening up the super to check on the food, I left the hive closed. I never saw any activity around the bee patties (as opposed to a LOT of activity when I was feeding them sugar syrup last spring). When I opened the super again about 2 weeks ago (after a few very warm days), there was STILL no sign of activity and it did not look like the bees had touched the bee food all winter. There WAS however a steady stream of tiny ants marching through the hive to the bee food. I thought, "okay, the colony must have gotten irritated by the ants and just absconded." Then yesterday evening -- just about sunset -- there was a HUGE cloud of bees that seemed to appear out of nowhere and the front of the hive was almost completely bearded over. (See video below) This is behavior that I never saw all last spring/summer/fall. Is the colony getting ready to swarm?
Is my colony getting ready to swarm?
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New comment Aug 13
1 like • Feb 6
@Clint Vorachard - very cool, Clint. We're hoping to adopt a couple of burros from there (somewhere down the road here)
1 like • Feb 7
@William Simmons - Thanks for putting this together! We picked up our first NUC from you and really appreciated your tips in getting started.
Moving to Erath County
We're currently in Burleson but our destination is living in Erath County on 22 acres. Our goal is retiring and living on honey and honey product proceeds!
New comment Feb 7
1-5 of 5
David Miller
13points to level up
Started our beekeeping journey last summer. Getting ready to expand on our land in Erath County.

Active 156d ago
Joined Feb 6, 2024
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