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Owned by Devon

Skool Ads Lab

Private • 546 • $39/m

Learn to run profitable Meta ads to your Skool group.

Skool Ads Mastermind

Private • 11 • Paid

Network with top Skool ad spenders.



Private • 12 • $4,999/y


Private • 41 • $4,999/y

Grow With Evelyn

Private • 2.6k • $59/m

skool Culture

Private • 12 • $99/m

New Society

Private • 537 • $197/m

High Skool

Private • 100 • Free

Supplement Empire

Private • 23 • $1/m

The Wellness Academy

Private • 7 • $57/m

The Growth Notes Newsletter

Private • 521 • $3/m

253 contributions to Skool Community
How to Build a Skool Community That Lasts Without Shortcuts
If you think ads are the secret to building a thriving Skool community, you’re missing the point. Shortcuts don’t build empires. Mastering the fundamentals does. Remember Pinocchio? He thought taking the easy route would turn him into something real. It didn’t. It was integrity, effort, and doing the right thing that made him a “real boy.” The same goes for your Skool community. Your Skool needs to be built on authenticity and real value if you want it to last. After working with countless communities, I’ve found that real success comes down to five things: Offer. About page. Ads. Fulfillment. Retention. That’s it. Nail these, and you’ll build something that lasts. Let’s break it down. OFFER Get obsessed with your offer. You don’t need perfection to run ads, but you do need something that hooks people. Launch ads early, even with a rough draft of your offer. Spend a few hundred bucks, get real customers, and refine based on their feedback. Quick iterations win. Have real conversations. Let your offer evolve. FULFILLMENT What do people actually get when they join? Maybe it’s a course, or a monthly call. You have to think about scale. If you promise one-on-one calls to every member, how long until that breaks? Can you handle 30 calls? What about 100 members? You need to think ahead, or you’ll hit a wall. ABOUT PAGE Your about page is your storefront. If you’re driving traffic but not converting, it’s one of two things The ads or the about page. Dial in your about page. Spend days refining it. VSL, images, copy. It all needs to hit hard. It’s not just about getting eyeballs. You need something substantial behind the door, or you’ll burn through ad dollars for nothing. (It's ok to run some traffic to an unoptimized about page to get early customer feedback to build your offer.) RETENTION Retention makes or breaks you. You can have the best offer, the slickest ads, but if people bail after one month, you’ve got a major issue. You're just a hustle.
New comment 1d ago
How to Build a Skool Community That Lasts Without Shortcuts
1 like • 12d
@Rodney Williams Yup! Thats the business.
0 likes • 3d
@Baz Morris :)
Best Mentor On Skool?
I know there are many but keen to hear who you guys look to for advice when it comes to growing a paid community 🔌
New comment 1d ago
Best Mentor On Skool?
2 likes • 5d
@Ryan Duncan hey thats my a daughters mentor!
2 likes • 5d
@Jack Zenert really appreciate u man. Thanks for saying that.
The Secret to Growing Your Business: Be Yourself
In this insightful conversation with Skool’s very own @Goose Dunlavey , we dive into how staying authentic and true to your roots can be a powerful advantage in business, rather than trying to emulate others. Plus, we dive into Goose's journey from a young age, sharing how he became the vibrant Skool enthusiast we all know and love today! In this podcast, we discuss: - How being authentic can help scale your business - Goose’s first step into entrepreneurship - His first successful business and key lessons learned along the way - The evolution of the Skool Mansion Check it out.
New comment 1d ago
 The Secret to Growing Your Business: Be Yourself
2 likes • 5d
Facebook Ad Strategies
Not sure if you noticed, but both @Alex Hormozi and @Max Perzon are doing some serious Facebook Advertising! 🔥And they are running it to a Paid Offer directly 🥵 [ @Devon Meadows is also, but not to a paid offer] And these guys are smart, so we know that if they are continuing to do this, it must be paying off. To get Facebook Ads to work running to a $99 / $125 offer is Crazy! It goes to the value here in Skool, and to the fact that both of them have their process dialed in! Alex is offering the Skool Games as the Incredible offer, and creating a Group for $99. This offer jumps through a few steps, which Alex moves them through with video sales letters. Max is running it straight to his $125 Community about page - again a video sales letter on that page. Would be great to have a side-by-side case study showing everything they are doing and how it is working!
New comment 5d ago
Facebook Ad Strategies
3 likes • 5d
You mentioned me in your post. I'm running my ads direct to our $39 group. I've taught a ton of people in our group specifically paid ads directly to Skool about page too and see great results up to about $100 per month. At that point you need to be notable or a straight ninja to make it work direct to about. Hormozi and Max are both Notable and straight ninjas.
2 likes • 5d
@Jack Zenert oh yeah thats a new offer we’re testing. Thats a $300 one on one. 🤙
Goodnight Skool
If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. Keep your hearts in it friends.
New comment 5d ago
Goodnight Skool
2 likes • 6d
@Bijan Izadi brother
3 likes • 6d
@Ryan Duncan 🥹
1-10 of 253
Devon Meadows
5,403points to level up
The Skool Ads Guy 🤙

Active 1h ago
Joined Apr 1, 2024
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