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Franzese Family

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22 contributions to Franzese Family
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Respect to ANYONE'S individual identity
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Favorite Movie???
As the title suggests, what would be everyone's favorite movie? Even if you only watch it, every now and then, what would be that ONE film that everytime you watch it, you are blown away with amazement and awe? My favorite film? It would be the 1984 film: Amadeus..a dramatical theatre play made into a movie about an historical fictional telling of the life and tragedy of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his rivalry with composer: Antonio Salieri. The intensity of emotion, the acting, the cinematography, costume, and of course..the music. Beautiful and heavenly.
New comment 4h ago
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@Jack Savage I always admired Tim Allen in his performances..Home Improvement and all! That movie certainly gives it that nostalgic balance of real life adulthood and family fun Christmas magic ✨
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@Scott Rediger I'm a huge American/Spaghetti Western film fan.. THAT is on my list 🤠
My Views Coming From a Not AS Politically Immersed Centrist but more Importantly, Just a Creator of Artwork
Between the candidates, if I am being honest as an Independent, I had my eye on RFK Jr to be a very promising choice. He may have questionable views from him, I know;..but when you REALLY look at it, his views overall, are both fiscally and even socially balancing..he sees a point in what a view is all about, but he WILL speak his mind whether he agrees/disagrees and whether a rule either works OR doesn't... OF COURSE, the hardcore liberal Democrats hammer him just because he said the COVID vaccines do not work for one example, or they attack him for being a conspiracy nut job, or just for him thinking the disagree with ONE thing on liberals, you are Public Enemy No 1 . No WONDER RFK became Independent. I'm not surprised that RFK stepped into Trump's corner after the Democrats treated him like trash. Then they have the NERVE to act surprised and respond with "😮...How dare you 😤?" ...Hey, RFK even wanted to think more rationally with the Dems, but THEY booted him to the curb for a few disagreements. So first..MY views on Trump? This is a really honest truth.. I was striving and earning ALOT more as an artist UNDER Trump's economy than I am under THIS current economy (such as it is) Through my creativity AND with people wanting to acquire my work because they can afford to..We had Trump to thank for that because however one may like him or not, and for his personality, and direct behavior that may be off putting to others..he DID the job and did it successfully that's helped not only the upper and middle class, but for people who one would call "starving musicians, starving artists"; people who want to earn through their passionate interests, you know? He has honestly proven that to a guy like me, because he knows all about starting businesses (whether they succeed or not), but having at LEAST the passion to start and go with it...and that's why, THOUGH I retain views that are as centrist as one can's called MORAL common sense..not only because it's right but because it makes BOTH sides of the conversation and exchanging table, happy and satisfied.
New comment 11h ago
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@Virginia Giguere Welcome, sister V! New platform, same family, that's forever growing!..Love you!
0 likes • 11h
@Kevin Anderson Other countries are probably thinking what a joke we have become from the imbeciles of leaders we've chosen to lead.
Greatest guitarist of all time
My vote goes for Jimi Hendrix :)
New comment 5h ago
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Stevie Ray Vaughan Ritchie Blackmore Gary Moore Yngwie Malmsteen
Jesus Christ & The Lord of The Rings
J.R.R Tolkien' always possessed a semi-religious language meaning within his symbolism of life in the world he created in the stories of Middle Earth..though a masterpiece of includes numerous archetypes for prominent Christian figures. For just one example; The character of Aragorn..He's a divine paragon of humanity, a strong warrior, but his humility and gentleness are emphasized..he is kind of a resemblance of the Holy Spirit. A guide, a comforter who is always present, who leads to the end goal of achieving peace of the journey ahead and with all the people and companions in his company..but later on the road, he also knows he is from a long line descendant of Kings but initially refuses to assume the role of a King..A king who rules Middle the world of the race of men's only until the very end of the War of The Ring of the stories through all the suffering he goes through, Aragorn assumes the title of King, and brings the world of men a world of unity and peace.,cross%20in%20emulation%20of%20Christ. I think all of you will greatly appreciate this article..
New comment 20h ago
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@Scott Rediger "The Deep Breath before the Plunge"
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Eric Dillman
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An individual of my own level of nature! I am a pencil photo realism artist

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