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8 contributions to Masculine Embodiment Matrix
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Testosterone Boost Recipe: Taking my workouts, yoga, and breath work outside under the sun has been the best added ingredient to my daily routine. Feeling all kinds of amazing energy moving through me lately sexually, mentally, and physically. Something so simple, yet so special has brought me to a deeper, loving, AND sexier connection to myself. 😉☀️💪🏼
New comment Aug 22
1 like • Aug 20
That sounds amazing! I usually do my workouts indoors, but today the sky was so beautiful that I couldn’t resist stepping outside to catch the sunset before getting into my routine. Sometimes nature just calls us out!
1 like • Aug 22
@Erik Benson Thanks
How to actually Heal yourself
This is going to be short and sweet, and I invite you all to really sit and meditate on this on for at least the next week. Healing is not something you (the ego) does. I, Lion Carew, am not healing anyone. Yet, at the same time, we have profound and immense capacities to heal others and ourselves. HOW can this be? This is because we are conduits (channels) for God, Source, Great Spirit, and ultimately Unconditional Love. All great healers understand this and do their work from this place — they know that their identity is not responsible for healing, but rather that they are a channel for the infinite power and healing abilities of unconditional love. Unconditional love is healing because it allows all things to occur. Another key aspect to this is holding a paradox within the subject object relationship within this healing dynamic: You (the subject) and the other (the object) are both separate and the same. The true healer recognizes that object they are working on is ultimately apart of them (the subject) and thus, they source unconditional love to themselves, and are healing themselves. Only through this recognition of the illusion of separation is the healing possible, because you can't heal anyone else. How to make this practical: - Start meditating with your heart ad connecting with unconditional love from God/Source/Spirit everyday - Remind yourself everyday that all comes from God, is for God, and is with God. - Take back your power and recognize that anyone who you believe is responsible for you're healing, is truly not the case. Only you are responsible for your healing
New comment Aug 20
0 likes • Aug 20
Lion, this is such a powerful reminder! The idea of being a channel for unconditional love and allowing healing to flow naturally really resonates. It’s humbling to realize that true healing isn’t something we control, but something we align with. Thank you for sharing this wisdom—I’ll definitely be sitting with it in meditation this week and focusing on connecting with that deeper source of love. Grateful for the way you guide us into deeper awareness, brother! 🙏✨
Headache After sex … what am I doing wrong?
Aloha brothers , Sorry for being so direct, but since I know you guys are more experienced I would love some advice: I have been trying to hold my seed , not only when I pleasure myself but also when I have a partner, but very often I end up having headaches… what am I doing wrong ? Any ideas ? Thanks for being there !! Hugs
New comment Aug 20
1 like • Aug 20
Aloha brother! Headaches after sex, especially when practicing semen retention, can be a sign that there's tension building up—both physically and energetically. Here are a few things to consider: 1. Breathing and Relaxation: During intimate moments, it’s important to stay relaxed and focus on deep, slow breathing. Holding your seed can sometimes cause tension in your body, especially if you’re clenching muscles subconsciously. Practice deep belly breaths to keep the energy flowing smoothly. 2. Energy Circulation: You might be experiencing an energy buildup without fully circulating it. Some practices like qigong, tantra, or even focused breathwork can help you learn to move this energy through your body rather than letting it get stuck in your head. 3. Stay Hydrated and Balanced: Make sure you’re drinking enough water and keeping your nutrition balanced. Dehydration and nutrient imbalances can also contribute to headaches, especially during intense experiences. 4. Ease Into It: If you’re new to this practice, your body might still be adjusting. Take your time and don’t push too hard—honor where you’re at and gradually build your capacity. Remember, it’s a journey, and everyone’s experience is unique. Keep experimenting and listen to your body—it’ll guide you to what works best!
Is Your Social Media Feed TOO SEXY??
Hey brothers! Since doing the 22 semen retention challenge, my mind has changed so much. I haven't been seeking pornography, and so most days I don't watch because it is not top of mind anymore. HOWEVER, Instagram has been a constant trigger! My algorithm has adapted to me desiring to see so many sexually suggestive posts. And I have watched porn because of those triggers. I felt like maybe I'd have to delete my IG and start over to wipe the feed clean, which i was loathe to even think about lol. Well today i found a major helping solution, which i shared and attached here. I found a space where i could edit what IG suggests to me and I 1.) Turned off all suggested posts for 30 days 2.) Limited all sensitive content which includes sexually suggestive content. And when I went to my feed and my explore page, it is now completely different! It's everything that has to do with my positive interests now! I'm super grateful to have been able to cut those triggers out! I hope this helps bro!
New comment Aug 20
1 like • Aug 20
Tramon, this is awesome! I really admire your awareness and the proactive steps you took to protect your mind and energy. It’s inspiring how you’re staying committed to the challenge and finding practical solutions to stay focused on your growth. Your share is a great reminder that we have the power to shape our environment, both physically and digitally. Keep going, brother—this is real progress!
A shift is coming
Brothers, I have been a bit quiet lately... waiting patiently for my next creative urge and plan of action to arise in me. It has arrived and I am excited to inform you of it. It will shift this community in a pretty large and impactful way. Keep your eyes peeled next week for the big update and shift that is going to take all of us to new heights, depths of connection, and taking empowering actions together as brothers.
New comment Aug 20
1 like • Aug 20
Lion, that sounds powerful and inspiring! I really appreciate how you lead with patience and intention, letting your creativity guide the way. I’m looking forward to what’s coming and excited to see how it will elevate us as a community and deepen our connection as brothers. Let’s keep building and rising together!
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Etienne Grossi
13points to level up
Artist Designer passionate about creating healing spaces. Somatic Breathwork and Qi Gong Practitioner. Embracing everyday beauty and nature's nurture.

Active 6h ago
Joined Apr 25, 2024
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