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Water Storage Drums/Barrels
Last year I decided to step up my water storage plan and looked into getting some 55 gallon plastic drums/barrels I could store inside. My main rationale for this decision was that I wanted potable water on hand that would be immediately useable in an emergency. Sure I have means to collect, filter and purify found water sources, but I wanted the piece of mind knowing I have enough water on hand to get through most short duration emergencies or utility interruptions (water main break). After a lot of looking around at used drums in my area on Craigslist, FB marketplace, etc. I came to the conclusion that saving some money to buy a used drum where I would not be 100% certain of the previous contents wasn’t work the risk. Cleaning and sanitizing any drum, even new, is mandatory, but without knowing exactly what was in a used drum previously, I wouldn’t want to risk ingesting water stored in there, no less give it to my family. This led me down the path of finding where I could source new drums, for a reasonable price. After some looking around at different vendors, I found that the online restaurant stores were the best vendors for both price per drum and shipping rates. These stores tended to have shipping rates lower than if I were to buy direct from a manufacturer. As of today I can buy one 55 gal drum from The Restaurant Store for ~$109 shipped. When considering the price it would cost to buy the equivalent 5-7gal water storage containers to equal 55gal, $109 is actually a pretty good deal. And if buying more than one drum, the shipping rates do no go up so much that it becomes cost prohibitive. Also, I found that one 55gal drum takes up less space that the equivalent volume of individual water storage containers. Sure there are new challenges that come with a bulk storage container, it won’t be easy to move, can’t really be transported when full, need a way to get water out of the container, weight can be a factor depending on where stored, etc. but for me these weren’t a big issue.
New comment 2d ago
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@Christopher Christensen covid shortages led me to buying in bulk, especially flour. I was baking sourdoughs before it was cool and it really sucked not being able to source flour during that ordeal. I’ve always been prepper minded, but man did those shortages really drive home how quick all this stuff will go when everyone decides they need to buy it.
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@Eric Payne yes, I added a water treatment preserver that is used to treat stored water in boats and RVs, Purogene is the brand. From my research it was the most cost effective solution for treating the quantity of water I’m storing. And yes I used regular tap water. I’m planning to open up the barrels around the one year mark, inspect visually too see if there’s any growth and drink some of the water. Maybe I’ll look into some water test strips. If anything seems off I’ll dump it, sanitize with bleach and refill/treat. I may still cycle it just to be safe, not sure yet. I have a pump and siphons I can use to get water out.
Welcome! Introduce yourself + what disaster/event are you most concerned about?
Welcome everyone! As you can see, we're still under construction. I highly recommend checking out the classroom tab above. ☝️ There, you'll find an early class I put together for basic preparedness. I also did a live class on "Disaster Planning" over a year ago here in Pennsylvania. I highly recommend turning on "captions." The sound quality isn't the greatest. I want to thank you all! Feel free to share any information on preparedness, disasters, etc. This was created to build community and share ideas and information to help us with what's on the horizon. Chris aka The Emergency Expert
New comment 2d ago
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Hey, I’m Frank in the Philly suburbs. I can’t say that I’m most concerned about any one event in particular. What’s most concerning to me is the overall direction our society is moving in. Increased unemployment, crime, inflation, illegal migration, and general uncertainty has me trying to find ways to improve my personal resiliency. It can be overwhelming at times. I try to stay optimistic and focus on what I can control, while staying aware of what I cannot and how those things may impact me and those I care about. Interesting times we’ve found ourselves in.
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@Christopher Christensen Chris, that would be great. I have some friends in the area that would be interested.
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Frank Giottini
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Hey, I’m Frank

Active 56m ago
Joined Aug 28, 2024
Philadelphia suburbs
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