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The Garden

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4 contributions to The Garden
Words to choose
Words are a reflection of what's within and words also changes what's within. Words can empower, build, and create and words can also steal, mock, and destroy. Trying to be mindful of what comes out of my mouth, to speak life to others and myself. Grateful for a group with the same value, to support and lift people. Our words will create the environment around us, let’s speak life.
New comment Nov '22
0 likes • Nov '22
@Christo Kame so true, the more I reflect on the verse the more I feel the weight of each word that comes out from my mouth.
Your favourite quote and why?
What's a quote that keeps you moving? I'll start: ''We could be good today, but instead we choose tomorrow'' I choose this quote because my entire life I had been putting off work to ''tomorrow''. But tomorrow never came. Once I decided to change tomorrow into ''today'', my life has been improving rapidly
New comment Nov '22
1 like • Nov '22
Pardoning the bad is injuring the good.
People to choose
A thought I’ve been thinking about because of ‘The Garden’: Life is always meant to be done with others. The people that you want to live life with are always your choice. Even if God can place people in your life, it is still your decision to build upon them and to create meaningful relations and moments. Besides, to have the opportunity creating memories with people are, in a way, a privilege. Hopefully, this community will flourish beyond what it was intended to begin with. Cheers 🥂 Here’s a verse from the Bible I’ve been reflecting on about this: ‘As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.’
New comment Nov '22
The Daily Edge (read this daily)
Daily Edge - I am in control of myself and how I react to the world.  - God is completely in control.  - Things don't happen TO me; they happen FOR me.  - Every obstacle in the past are lessons I needed to learn to fulfill my mission. - God never gives things that you can not handle.  - I am stronger than my earthly desires. - I serve millions of people. - God has given me everything that I need to succeed.  - Thank God first for 10 things (now) before you ask for help.  - Discern first before you decide, and learn to refuse to do something even though you want it.  - I choose my feelings consciously because the unconscious gives form to them. - I don't entertain unwanted feelings.  - Jesus: be like children, for they inherit the kingdom, feelings > logic.  - Nothing comes from without; all things come from within. The external is a representation of what's going on within. - You attract what you ARE. You are what you FEEL.  - I wake up early and take control of my day.  - I take my time to realign with God in the morning.  - I wear my spiritual armor to defend myself against the enemy.  - I only eat when I am hungry. - I choose to eat healthy foods only. - My body is my temple, and I want to take care of it.  - Feeling sexy/sex drive = healthy, don't waste it.  - I hold on to my energy sources and retain my power. - My body is here to serve me to fulfill my mission.  - I exercise daily and enjoy the endorphins that keep me mentally healthy. - The best workouts are when you don't feel like working out.  - I make people's day and light up their day.  - My thoughts are positive, and I redirect every negative thought.  - I see the innocent part of people.  - I compliment people when I see good characteristics.  - I remember people their names and make them feel good.  - The right people/network/resources are already here.  - I am not needy. I know I am enough. - I take time for myself, withdraw if I feel to and spend time with God.  - You can't control how people will think about you.  - If you feel negatively affected by others = you place more confidence in their opinion of you instead of your own.  - Never envy other people or compare your journey with someone else. - You are good enough. Celebrate, rejoice! - Say "no" to people and opportunities quickly and firmly without the need to justify yourself. 
New comment Nov '22
The Daily Edge (read this daily)
1 like • Nov '22
Great stuff 🔥
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Gavriel Kevin
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spontaneous fun is always welcomed.

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Joined Nov 7, 2022
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