Write something
The Storytelling Framework
Jia is a 26 year old entrepreneur. He lives in bali. He has a need to share more of himself to the world. He decides to become a YouTuber. But he already established himself as an e-commerce guru. He doesn't know how the audience would react. What if he would lose all of his followers? What if the video's suck? What if people would laugh at his work? He decides to do it anyway. He writes a script. A story. Travels around. Shoots content. And his new life began.. Will it work out? Will he succeed? We shall see. (this is a template that I use to write out quick stories, use it)
New comment Dec '22
The Storytelling Framework
It's time to move to Discord.
New comment Dec '22
One meal a day
Been ordering 2-3 meals in restaurants and they are shocked that it's all for me 😂
New comment Dec '22
One meal a day
Milestones & Challenges
Dear people of the garden, Each one of us is following their own unique path towards our destination. The fact that the destination is different for each individual human being, makes us even more unique. Once you reached a certain destination you can be happy being in that place or you can travel further to a following destination. Each path has both milestones and challenges. A milestone is an encounter that brings us positive emotions. One of achievement and fullfillement showing you're on the right path. A challenge is an encounter that is able to bring up negative emotions. One of doubt and fear able to bring confusion on your path. We encounter both on our journey. I am curious if you identified those milestones or challenges and have the courage to share them with us, as I believe there is something special about sharing. Sharing with others. We thrive on genuine connections and stories. I dare you to share something about your path in the comments. I would like to lead by example and share a personal milestone. So long I have not felt comfortable being an asian in the Netherlands confused by my adoption and my dutchkorean identity. Now, on age 24 I can finally say I embraced this aspect of my life and I am proud of my unique identity. How I achieved this will be a little too big for this article :P, just wanted to share this important milestone for me. So, what is your milestone or challenge? Let me know something about your path :). Greets, Joo Sun
New comment Dec '22
Milestones & Challenges
How God has been Speaking
my church hosted a conference over the weekend. Our global senior pastor is an anointed man of God. When he speaks its like a sword, sharp and accurate. And when he recounts his stories of simple obedience and cites the Scriptures or is led by the Spirit, I thought to myself, I am called to this too. . But not for the sake of stroking my ego but for the lost to come to Christ and for the church to be sanctified & strengthened. as a 31 year old, I ought to have been walking out my purpose already but I think it’s been held back because of childish ways, hidden sins, and passivity as a result. And I know I am in process. The big events that everyone sees is not the event itself but a culmination of many disciplines, trials, and unseen monotonous routines. So that is why I’m committing to read one chapter of the Gospel (John) remembering and speaking out one verse that moves me, and write a list of my prayers. We usually live off the big prophetic word that inspires us and keeps us on cloud 9 or the one electric conference but what are we doing day to day that is helping us to determine who we will be in Christ down the road ?
New comment Dec '22
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