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22 contributions to MONK MODE CHALLENGE
The ONE Habit That Changed Everything for Me💡 (And It’s Not What You Think)
Alright fam, I’ve gotta be real with you. Over the past few years, there’s been ONE habit that’s completely shifted my mindset, my productivity, and honestly, how I approach life. And no, it’s not some magic formula or secret hack. It’s CONSISTENCY. Yeah, just showing up every single day, even when I don’t feel like it, has made all the difference. I used to be so afraid of failing that I’d hesitate to even start. But what I’ve realized? Failure is just part of the process, it’s a tool. It’s not something to avoid, it’s something to embrace. Every failure is a lesson that brings you closer to success. You don’t need to be perfect. You just need to show up. Fear of failure holds so many people back, but the only way to truly fail is to stop trying. Now, I don’t even care if I mess up, I just keep pushing, keep learning, and keep showing up every day. Although, after a while of consistency, my standard of excellence for myself is higher than it has ever been before, so messing up is much more minuscule than what it was in the past. So, what’s one habit you’ve picked up recently that’s helped you push through the fear of failure or helped you stay consistent? Drop it in the comments, I wanna know what’s working for you! 👇🏾 Let’s keep each other motivated and moving forward. The grind doesn’t stop! 💪🏾🔥
New comment 36m ago
The ONE Habit That Changed Everything for Me💡 (And It’s Not What You Think)
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To be honest, the first week I made it too complicated…trying new recipes and it took too much time. I now found easy things that I like and just put it on auto pilot. It frees my mind to focus on other things- using food to fuel me rather than soothe anxious emotions. The more variety,, the more I got distracted- like “oh I could try this or I could try that” (monkey mind)! On the slow carb diet, there is a cheat day allowed which gives me enough variety if I’m craving something, When a craving is really strong, I eat a couple of hard boiled eggs and that cuts the craving drastically. If I still have a craving for junk after the eggs, then I know it isn’t true hunger and I’m just looking for a dopamine hit to mask some uncomfortable feeling. At that point I go for a short walk and as I’m walking, I ask myself what seems to be bothering me. After the walk, I journal and after I “get it out” on paper, the craving is gone. Too often I think I feed my emotions with food rather than confronting the problem.
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I’ve never followed a diet more than a few days. The sow carb diet is something sustainable for me because the cheat days allow me to have enough variety. The two cheat days I have had were great, had all my favs! The problem is that I didn’t feel well the day after (bloated, gassy, higher heart rate). I think that shows the power of eating slow carb. I think as I progress in this way of eating that my cheat days will become less junky. How about you?
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence 😎
So we’re just over two weeks into Monk Mode, and something wild happened. I got the confidence to ask out my dream girl, and guess what? She said YES! 🙌🏻 I’ve had my eye on her for a while but always hesitated because of self-doubt. But being consistent with Monk Mode, hitting my goals, and staying disciplined has really boosted my confidence in a way I didn’t expect. I realized, if I can commit to this challenge, why not commit to leveling up in other areas too? So I just went for it, and now we’re going out this Saturday. I can honestly say, this challenge isn’t just about routines or habits. It’s changing how I see myself and what I’m capable of. Anyone else feel the same way?
New comment 16h ago
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence  😎
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Way to go Isaac! The more you learn about yourself and grow, you are feeling more confident. I’m sure that this girl will find that quality very attractive. Keep it up!
(M.M.M.L) Monday Monk Mode Log
Rise and shine illuminated Minds 🧘🏾‍♂️ 🔋 (I had two wisdom teeth pulled this past Wednesday and i have been undergoing and am healing and recovering) Everyday is my day 1 - last night, I reflected on my week and journey so far, - I set up week yesterday evening, - I Was up at 4a, - made my bed, - Put on the whole armor of God in prayer - Read my affirmations and read my goals. - Shoes on out for warm up with speed walk + jogging + shadow boxing + push-ups + jump squats. - Breakfast Oatmeal for with almond butter and honey. - 3ggs/1 crossant, 2yogurt, 1 applesauce for lunch. - Took few minutes to share this with all group. I will get ready and out the door to be at work on Time 6:55a - I will be reading 15 pages, then write in journal on my commute to work on Metro. —>Few things I’ve noticed <— - My mind is clear and alert, I’m more conscious and intentional with my actions and thoughts. - Reading and reviewing my goals each morning plus prayers and meditation has been very beneficial in more ways than I can describe, the inner shift is noticeable by others around me, and I have a sense of being grounded in the present more. - I do not feel rushed or pressured, neither am I tardy, the more I move my body through daily matinal warmups/jog/calisthenics/shadow boxing, the more I am physically awake, in the zone, at I am at ideal an pace throughout my day. Keep it up sisters, and brothers, make it a lifestyle and adjust when you need to adjust but keep going forward . Don’t overthink it, just do it.
New comment 3d ago
(M.M.M.L) Monday Monk Mode Log
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Keep it up Joel! Your post inspired me. I agree that the more we move, the more we are physically awake.
Hello everyone, my name is Joshua. I am the only child of a single mother and I produce music. I discovered my issue with procrastination and consistency last year June and up until now I have not been able to commit to my goals for more than two weeks without falling into old habits. It's like when ever I feel anxiety or stress I run into my comfort zone (watching series, adult content, scrolling social media) I joined this community from You tube. Guys I have no one to hold me accountable at all.
New comment 6d ago
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Welcome Joshua! Whatever you put into Monk Mode you will get out of it. Make a commitment and we will hold you accountable. I’ve been in Monk Mode for 11 days and I have seen change just having Chi and others in this group hold me accountable and knowing we are all trying to change old habits and form better ones. There is strength in numbers knowing you are not alone.
Let’s Talk About Beating Procrastination 😮‍💨✌🏾
Let’s be real PROCRASTINATION is one of the biggest hurdles when it comes to making progress. We’ve all been there, putting off what needs to be done, finding distractions, and then feeling that regret when the day slips away. But here’s the thing, procrastination won’t get you anywhere, and the longer you let it slide, the harder it is to break out of that cycle. Here’s what’s helped me fight procrastination: 1. Start small: Don’t overwhelm yourself with massive tasks. Break it down into bite-sized pieces and just get moving. Action kills procrastination. 2. Time blocking: Set aside dedicated time blocks where you focus ONLY on that one task. It’s easier to lock in when you know you only have a set amount of time. 3. Accountability: Having someone check in on your progress is huge. Share your goals and have someone hold you to them (that’s what this community is for). 4. Reward yourself: Give yourself something to look forward to once the task is done. Even a small reward can motivate you to get through the work. How do you guys deal with procrastination? Drop your tips below or share a struggle you’re working on, and let’s figure it out together. 👇🏾 Let’s continue to keep each other accountable.
New comment 6d ago
Let’s Talk About Beating Procrastination 😮‍💨✌🏾
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I try to do the “worst first“ to help me not procrastinate. Whatever I need to do, I have written down on paper or in my head. Then I do what I really don’t want to do first. Chi referenced “Eat that Frog” in a previous post, which is an excellent book I read a couple of years ago that helped me stop procrastinating.
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Heather Dunphy
89points to level up
Ready to unlock my potential!

Active 2h ago
Joined Oct 1, 2024
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