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Weekly Check-in / Q&A Call is happening in 47 hours
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence 😎
So we’re just over two weeks into Monk Mode, and something wild happened. I got the confidence to ask out my dream girl, and guess what? She said YES! 🙌🏻 I’ve had my eye on her for a while but always hesitated because of self-doubt. But being consistent with Monk Mode, hitting my goals, and staying disciplined has really boosted my confidence in a way I didn’t expect. I realized, if I can commit to this challenge, why not commit to leveling up in other areas too? So I just went for it, and now we’re going out this Saturday. I can honestly say, this challenge isn’t just about routines or habits. It’s changing how I see myself and what I’m capable of. Anyone else feel the same way?
New comment 18h ago
Day 16 Update: Monk Mode Confidence  😎
2 Weeks of Monk Mode Changed My Life 🤘🏻
These last to weeks of Monk Mode have been a serious game changer for me. Before starting, I was all over the place. No structure, procrastinating, feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere with my goals. But just two weeks in, and it feels like I’m already a different person. One of the biggest things for me was cutting out distractions. I didn’t even realize how much time I was wasting on social media, Netflix, you name it. But once I started limiting that and focusing on my daily non-negotiables, everything shifted. I’m more productive, my mind feels clearer, and I’m actually making progress on the stuff that matters. There were times I didn’t feel like doing anything, but I kept reminding myself why I’m doing this. Now, it’s becoming second nature. My habits are finally sticking, and I’m already seeing the benefits. better focus, more discipline, and just feeling more in control of my life. If you’re struggling or feeling like the hype is wearing off, just stick with it. It gets better. Small changes add up real quick.
New comment 3d ago
2 Weeks of Monk Mode Changed My Life 🤘🏻
Meeting Day!
Hey i'm ready. Been a Good week Guys! I appreciate you all for creating such a wonderful atmosphere. See you Guys Soon! God Bless Each and Every one of You.
New comment 4d ago
I accidentally became important at work 😅
I recently started a new job like 2 weeks before the beginning of monk mode. Mind you this after a prolonged period of not working so I was very eager to get back in the fold and be the best I could be. Upon meeting my direct manager he told me I would be a responsible for the technical management of the team and responsible for research. Long story short he was really impressed in the 3 weeks I’ve been working there and has added me to leadership meetings and interview panels I completed my first interview today and it was kind of surreal because I was interviewing the team member who had trained me! I felt under qualified but the said my background was really impressive and my input is valued. So I now am responsible for asking the technical questions whenever there a hiring a technical candidate and recommend trainings to my team based on what I think would help them perform better. I honestly thought I was just another worker bee now I’m suddenly Important not complaining at all just kind of shocked imposter syndrome is setting in 😅
New comment 6d ago
I accidentally became important at work 😅
I just made a big announcement
I recently posted to my socials that I would be an ambasssador for an emerging tech convention called Techsgiving and when I applied I did not think I would I even get selected but by doing this challenge I reminded myself you miss every shot you do not take and Lo and behold I was selected and people were really supportive of me I didn’t think anybody would care but I got plenty of DMs congratulating me and asking to hop on a call to ask about my tech experience it was definitely a confidence booster and reinforced my determination to stay the course even because now people view me in a light I never thought they would and not that I don’t view myself highly I just want to surpass those expectations. Just wanted to share this to encourage those of who are shy to try new things and step outside your comfort zone sometimes because that’s the only way you can grow
New comment 7d ago
I just made a big announcement
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