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12 contributions to Max Business School™
Respinse of DreamHost to My Requst for Hosting
Dear Ayman Housary. Hi. u f GreamHost disapprived and disabled mu hosting account after payment and opening. I asked them about the reasons but no answer received. I also also askex them about the right procedure to use to make sure that the account will be opened successful. Here iz their response Hello Ibrahim- Unfortunately, we are unable to provide specific details as to why the account could not be approved. The initial payment attempt was voided at the time of disablement and that should be reflected on your credit card statement in the next 48 hours or up to 10 business days. Again we wish you the best of luck in your search for a web host. Regards, The DreamHost Approvals Team
New comment 18d ago
@Ayman Houssary We have done that carefully. I can bring here copy of what we have in their form. You may check and advise if any thing is filled wrong!
@Ayman HoussaryHoussary. H Thank you so much for this advice.
Request to Change Hosting Company of the Deal
Dear MBS Admin, Please note that I struggled for about 10 days and faied to obtain hosting account from DreamHost company which you have thankfully reached a discounted deal with. As I am very much interested in knowldge, skills and certificatjion from your skool, please allow me to obtain my hosting from another company to catch the course and obtain your certificate in the case of success in the course material. I am waiting for your approval and decision. Best regards. Ibrahim Eissa, Mohamedain
New comment 19d ago
Hi d
Hi, dear colleagues.
[Important] Help us improve your experience! 💡
Hello dear students! We hope you're enjoying your time in our community. We would love to hear from you about any difficulties you've encountered when it comes to paying for your hosting account or domain, even if you managed to resolve it eventually. Your insights will help us understand your challenges better and find ways to support you. If possible, please include a screenshot to illustrate your experience. Thank you for your valuable input! 🙏
406 members have voted
New comment 3d ago
 [Important] Help us improve your experience! 💡
I placed yesterday payment by VISA card for my hosting account. I am currently waiting for aporoval by DreamHost.
@Elias Dias p, 9 Okey.
Report on Payment of Hosting Fees to DreamHost
Only yesterday, I was able to pay hosting fees of Monthly-Plan to the company DreamHost. I received the receipt of the payment and thought that my account will become active immediately. But their billing office told me that they have an approval process to take place and make decision within 24 hours. This arrangement was told to be for protection against frauds. So, I am currently waiting for the good news of approving my hosting account. I wish to thank Mr. Ayman Housary, for his patience, good guidance and advices that helped me to make my best choice to obtain knowledge, skills and certificate from MBS, which is my goal and dream. Best regards. Ibrahim Eissa, Mohamedain I
New comment 25d ago
@Victor Eriki Yes. I found very rich and helpful.
@Victor Eriki I am fine. Thanks.
Graduation - Nicole Tan
Congratulations Nicole Tan for finishing the course, here is your well-deserved certificate. Feel free to share your website with the group and you are welcome to help your fellow students as a graduate of the course. Thank you! *this post acts as verification of the certificate, you can share the post link as proof of completion
New comment 6d ago
Graduation - Nicole Tan
1-10 of 12
Ibrahim Eissa Mohamedain
56points to level up
Mr. Ibrahim Eissa. Mohamedain. Telecom Eng. Born 1958. Graduated 1983. Master 1991. Retiref 2013. Elbaigawi for Multi-Activities 2014

Active 18d ago
Joined Aug 12, 2024
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