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Caveman REI Community

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4 contributions to Caveman REI Community
Accredited Investor question
While raising capital, do we have to ensure that the investors are accredited? Per the SEC website, some of the qualifications around such an investor mentions a requirement of more than 1M as net worth. Do we ask these question while screening our investors?
New comment Feb 27
2 likes • Feb 25
Sounds like the difference between syndication and business is very close and therefore Necessary to have an attorney be explicit with the business owners distributions.
2 likes • Feb 26
Jeff, thanks for the explaination and the link. So much to learn.
Motivated and driven real estate entrepreneur buying Multifamily in Pennsylvania
I’m focusing on multi family properties with 12-25 doors. I have target to acquire 400 in 3 years. Focused on Lancaster and surrounding counties as shown below. My in-laws retired in Lancaster so I have a place to stay when I need to make a trip out there. I’ve been working hard and building the team. I have 3-4 really good brokers sending me leads, an attorney, 3 good property managers, a settlement agent and two lenders—all of whom I’m meeting for first time next week for coffee / lunch during my first visit to build the relationships. Looking for class B or C properties that can immediately start generating cash flow as my consulting contract ends April 30, 2024 😬
New comment Feb 27
Motivated and driven real estate entrepreneur buying Multifamily in Pennsylvania
2 likes • Feb 24
Wow, driven and focused!!! Great example!
Successful team building trip
4 coffees 1 happy hour 2 lunches 1 dinner + after dinner drinks 1 property viewing + 1 pending Saturday 1 exploratory call with listing agent 3 properties underwritten …all packed into Tuesday and Wednesday. Needless to say I’m exhausted. But it was fruitful and very rewarding. Momentum building strong and I’m loving this! Have a good rest of your week everyone!
New comment Feb 27
2 likes • Feb 24
Hi Jeff, great job. How long have you been in the program?
2 likes • Feb 24
Marissa thanks for advice to focus on being organized.!!!
The Bricklayer Mentality
I read this tonight and just had to share. How appropriate for what we’re all building. ————————————————————————————— “In 2002, Charlie Rose interviewed Will Smith on his television show. During the interview, he tells a story from his childhood about his father asking him and his little brother to rebuild a 16x30 wall on the front of his shop. The task was understandably daunting for the two boys: "I remember standing back looking at that wall saying, there's gonna be a hole here, forever." But a year and a half of daily work later, they completed the wall. Reflecting on the experience, Will Smith offered a piece of timeless wisdom: "You don't try to build a wall...You don’t start by saying, I’m going to build the biggest, baddest wall that’s ever been built. You say, I’m going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be do that every single day, and soon you have a wall." This is a powerful reminder for life: No matter how big the task or project may seem at the start, you just have to lay one brick. The wall may be daunting, but today's brick is all that matters. Extraordinary results are simply the macro result of tens, hundreds, or thousands of tiny daily actions. Remember: Small things become big things. So today and all days, let's lay one brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid...”
New comment Mar 15
The Bricklayer Mentality
2 likes • Feb 24
Thanks, I love visual concepts!
1-4 of 4
Ignacio Estrada
8points to level up
Based in Sacramento CA. Real estate investor

Active 78d ago
Joined Feb 1, 2024
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