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Sexual Freedom Mastermind

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8 contributions to Sexual Freedom Mastermind
Fill These Hearts Book
Hey Brothers, Just wanted to ask if anyone has managed to find a copy of Fill These Hearts that doesn't cost almost $100?? 😂 Everything I can find appears to be in the US and needs to be imported hence the high costs. Anyone had any luck finding copies here in Aus? Seems like a really good book to get into!
New comment 1d ago
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I had to get mine from America off Amazon, took 2 weeks but got it!
Massive personal win
Hey lads. Just want to share my current streak of about 7 weeks without pornography or masturbation. This is a huge win and I have found that celebrating the little wins is huge! Please pray I can continue and really be outward looking in all my activities.
New comment 4d ago
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this awesome to hear Elijah! Stoked for you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Good morning brothers! I’d like to share that I have gone 10 weeks free from pornography and intel you what it’s feels good! The things that have helped me achieve this goal are: 1. obviously the support and meetings with Simon, I’d like to thank you for all your help and guidance I couldn’t have done it without you! 2: Is Covenant Eyes, is the best app it’s helped me multiple times and stopped me from looking g at pornography, I can’t stress enough joke important it is to have this app on your phone. If you want to break free download it now. 3. Prayer, going to mass, adoration and confession have been a massive part in this also, asking for Gods help and guidance and when I have a slip up going straight to confession asking for the lords forgiveness and help to not slip up again, through this and talking to my priest/spiritual director and being completely honest and open about what happened, why and how I ended up in the situation I ended up in really helped me to understand and learn about myself and how to avoid the near occasion of sin. 4. Book study, joining sessions regularly and reading the book ‘ Fill These Hearts’ by Christopher West, all I can say is wow! It’s given me a completely different understanding and view on my sexuality and the desire that God has given me and all you me also. Now that I look at it as a gift and not a bad thing that I’m not allowed to have these desires when I see a beautiful woman or If a trigger comes up, Instead of freaking out and or panicking about having these feelings come up, I now thank God for the gift and sit with it because I now realise it’s a gift and not a burden and it’s a beautiful thing to have! 5. Hard work! You have to put in the work if you want the results! It’s like trading for anything if you want to be good at it you have to put in the bloody work guys! It gets easier the more you do it too, trust me I am still along mistakes everyday but instead of getting down I pray to God for the grace to change whatever it is that I don’t want to keep doing ask for guidance and the put in the hard work to change!
Happy Father's Day!
I am one of the only fathers in this group right now, but you are in this group because you want to become the best man, husband and father you can possibly be one day! Future Fatherhood should be a part of your "why" for breaking free and becoming sexually free! Pray with this today, and pray for me as I do my best to father my children to live lives of sexual integrity, by living it myself first :)
New comment 19d ago
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Happy Father’s Day!
3 Months of Freedom
Hey guys! I just wanted to share something that I have been working towards for the last 10 years... 3 MONTHS PORN FREE! (well, 85 days but we'll hit it soon) The achievement still feels surreal to me. In my 10 years of watching porn, I have never even come close to this - and I'm never, ever going back. I wanted to share this win with you all so that you know it is possible. Just 3 months ago I was stuck in the endless cycle of watching porn and wondering when something would change. What I didn't realise was that in order to change, I first needed to understand that change is not something that I want to do, but something I NEED to do. I now strongly believe that until a man understands that quitting porn is not optional, but a requirement for having an amazing future - they will never change. I finally understood that I needed to quit when my girlfriend was on the brink of breaking up with me. One night, when she could contain her pain no longer, she spoke to me seriously about my issue and for the first time, I saw how much I was hurting her. I saw how selfish I was being, and that while I thought that I was trying to stop watching porn, I was actually making excuses to keep it in my life. It finally occurred to me that unless I changed, I would lose the beautiful woman that I one day hope to marry. That very night, through tears and prayer, I made the decision that I would never watch porn again - and since that night, I have not. The next day, by God's divine providence, Simon happened to be hosting a sexual freedom retreat - something I had signed up to prior. Attending this retreat strengthened my resolve in my decision to never watch porn again, and allowed me to sign up for his coaching program. I knew that I needed a strong mentor to keep me accountable and on the right path. Here are a few more things that were vital to my success, that I'm sure can be of use to everyone: - Understanding that in order to break free from porn we must CHANGE our identity and no longer identify as porn users. Identify yourself as someone who does not watch porn. At first I felt uneasy about this - I felt that I was lying to myself - but I kept stacking wins every day, and soon enough I had 3 months of freedom to prove that I do not watch porn. - I needed to do the interior work and reflection to find out why I was going to porn in the first place. I needed to discover what needs I have, and what needs porn was meeting for me. Ultimately I had to realise that God can fulfill all my needs - and I can now happily say that not long ago, for the first time in my life, I managed some negative emotions not with porn, but with God in deep prayer. It was an amazing experience, and I realised that for almost half of my life I had been emotionally regulating with porn, and not with God as I should've been. Trust me, the difference cannot be put into words. An exceptional book I must recommend to everyone for working through this is "Forged" by Jason Evert & Matt Fradd. I was scared of the idea of interior reflection & searching, as it is not something I am used to doing. This book makes it easy with the questions and instructions it gives. - Spend time with our Lord in adoration. There is no better place to work through the above points, than directly in front of our Lord. He will be there, working through everything with you. - Recognising we are beloved sons & daughters of God, no matter how unworthy we think we are.
New comment 19d ago
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Congratulations 🙌🏼 Great work! Inspiring post this is! It’s giving me drive to go 3 months free also. What struck me most is the point you make about doing the interior work and reflection, looking within finding the source of the problem and taking it to God for healing. Book sounds interesting too I’ll have to get it and have a read! Thank you for sharing, God bless!
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Jacob Hooker
11points to level up
Catholic carpenter/surfer from the Illawarra Blessed by God

Active 21h ago
Joined Aug 2, 2024
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