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15 contributions to The Next Big Thing
I studied the Top 20 Personal Brands of 2024: They all do the same!
My findings? — They all glue themselves to a unique word. They use it become a niche-of-one and it’s costing you $$$ not having your own. Here’s how you can find yours and start using it today: 1. Matt Gray became the ‘Systems’ guy 2. Ali Abdaal became the ‘Productivity’ guy 3. Justin Welsh became the ‘Solopreneur’ guy 4. Ryan Holiday became the ‘Stoicism’ guy 5. Alex Hormozi became the '$100M' guy 6. Cardinal Mason became the 'Copywriting' guyWhy do they do this? 1️⃣ YOU BECOME THE NICHE People begin to associate this word with you and your bramd- You become: → A ‘niche-of-one’ → The go-to authority figure → The first person people think of when they need to solve a specific problem 2️⃣ YOU MAKE MORE MONEY You’re going to have a lot of competition, regardless of the industry. But, in a niche-of-one, you dominate the market. People choose you while everyone else fights over scraps. Without a differentiating word, brands are forced to slash their prices down until there’s nothing left. 3️⃣ HOW TO FIND YOUR WORD Find a word that sits where BROAD and NICHE meet. Here’s the criteria: → The word must be universally associated with something different to your niche. → When you put the word next to your niche, it must still make sense. 4️⃣ FINALLY, EVERYONE OF THEM STARTED WITH ONE THING FIRST THEN EXPANDED THEIR BROAD INTEREST WITH SPECIFICITY. Examples: → Justin Welsh: LinkedIn - Solopreneur → Ryan Holiday: PR & Marketing - Stoicism → Dan Koe: Web Design - One Person Business → Alex Hormozi: Gym Start-up - Entrepreneurship
I studied the Top 20 Personal Brands of 2024: They all do the same!
Why Creating a Digital Identity Is More Important Than Ever
In today’s world, being online is part of everyday life. Whether you're applying for jobs, promoting a business, or simply connecting with others, having a digital identity is crucial. It’s more than just a profile or a bio—it’s how the world sees and interacts with you. Here’s why building a digital identity is something you shouldn’t ignore. 1️⃣ IT OPENS DOORS TO OPPORTUNITIES Your digital presence gives you a platform to showcase who you are and what you do. Whether it’s through LinkedIn, Instagram, or even Twitter, having an online profile can lead to job offers, collaborations, or new clients. In a world where almost everything happens online, your digital identity makes you visible in a crowded space, giving you more chances to be noticed. 2️⃣ IT BUILDS TRUST These days, people are likely to Google you before meeting in person or doing business. A well-crafted online presence tells your story and shows that you’re credible. If your digital identity reflects your expertise and values, people will feel more confident about working with you. 3️⃣ IT PUTS YOU IN CONTROL If you don’t create your own digital identity, someone else might shape it for you—or worse, you might not have one at all. By taking control, you get to decide how you present yourself to the world. Whether you’re a professional, artist, or entrepreneur, having a well-thought-out digital persona allows you to steer your own narrative. 4️⃣ IT HELPS YOU BUILD CONNECTIONS Your digital identity isn’t just about looking good online—it’s about connecting with people. Social media and online platforms give you the chance to meet like-minded individuals, join communities, and expand your network. This can be invaluable for both personal and professional growth. 5️⃣ IT'S ESSENTIAL IN A DIGITAL-FIRST WORLD With remote work and online business on the rise, your digital identity is now your virtual workspace, resume, and portfolio all rolled into one. Whether you're freelancing or looking for a new job, having a strong online presence makes you more adaptable and competitive in today’s economy.
Why Creating a Digital Identity Is More Important Than Ever
What will work look like in 2034?
Let’s take a moment to look ahead to 2034 and consider some of the major trends that might shape our future. Forget flying cars—it’s more about the continued rise of the internet. Here’s a quick overview of how technology, society, and changing demographics are likely to impact the future of careers in broad terms. We believe it will unfold something like this: 1️⃣ KNOWLEDGE TRANSPARENCY WILL INCREASE. Technology is making information and knowledge easier to access. Aggregating disparate expertise to solve problems will be in greatest demand. 2️⃣ NEW TECHNOLOGY WILL DEMAND NEW SKILLS. It is easy to focus on the jobs under threat from AI rather than the new jobs created. The World Economic Forum has predicted that AI will replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025. But it believes AI will create 97 million new jobs in that same timeframe. 3️⃣ CYBER-SECURITY WILL BE AN EXISTENCIAL THREAT. Consequently, there will be a growing need for skills to monitor, control, and hold bad actors to account. 4️⃣ AN AGING POPULATION WILL REQUIRE NEW SERVICES. Western economies will see an explosion in elderly care needs over the next 20 years. 5️⃣ BARRIERS TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP WILL CONTINUE TO LOWER. Technology platforms will continue to create opportunities for GenZ to test new business concepts more easily and at less up front cost. 6️⃣ SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WILL BE PARAMOUNT. We hear a lot about data being the new gold, so perhaps sustainable energy is the new oxygen. The latest technology only works when plugged in. 7️⃣ HUMANS WILL SEEK NEW WAYS TO BE ENTERTAINED. There is a lighter side to the darkness some predict about technology. Humans are incredibly good at finding new ways to have fun. 🎯 Opportunities will benefit only to those capable to see them.
The Art of Persuasive Copywriting: How to Make Words Sell
Persuasive copywriting isn’t just about putting words on a page; it’s about understanding your audience and knowing what makes them tick. By tapping into their emotions, addressing their pain points, and offering them a clear solution, you can create copy that sells—not just once, but over and over again. Let’s break down some key strategies that can help you write copy that sells—and keeps your customers coming back for more. 1️⃣ START WITH THE CUSTOMER’S PAIN POINTS People don’t just buy products—they buy solutions to their problems. The first step in writing persuasive copy is to understand the pain points of your target audience. What are they struggling with? What keeps them up at night? Addressing these concerns early on in your copy makes your message immediately relevant. Examples: Before: Our software has advanced data analytics features. After: Tired of wasting hours sifting through data? Our software makes analysis simple, so you can focus on what really matters. 2️⃣ CREATE URGENCY People often delay making decisions. Creating a sense of urgency nudges them to act now, rather than later. Limited-time offers, low stock alerts, or exclusive deals work because they tap into our fear of missing out (FOMO). Examples: Before: Get your discount on all our products. After:Only 24 hours left! Grab your 20% discount before it’s gone. 3️⃣ USE SOCIAL PROOF In sales, trust is everything. And nothing builds trust faster than social proof. When potential customers see that others have benefited from your product or service, it reinforces the belief that it will work for them too. Testimonials, reviews, case studies, and even showing how many people have already made a purchase can all work wonders. Examples: Before: Our product is effective. After: Join over 5,000 happy customers who have transformed their businesses with our product. 4️⃣ FOCUS ON BENEFITS, NOT FEATURES One of the biggest mistakes in copywriting is focusing too much on what your product is instead of what it does. Customers don’t care about technical specs—they care about how your product will improve their lives.
The Future Belongs to Creatives
The future of work is shifting rapidly as AI optimization takes over several industries. Jobs involving repetitive tasks, such as data entry, customer service, and even some finance roles, are increasingly being automated. AI’s ability to process large amounts of data more efficiently than humans is transforming industries and eliminating many routine positions. However, human creativity and problem-solving will become essential in this new economy. Here’s how individuals can stand out: 1️⃣ Creative skills: Roles in marketing, design, and content creation will thrive as they rely on innovation and emotional intelligence, which AI lacks. 2️⃣ AI integration: Workers who can effectively use AI to enhance their processes, like product designers using AI-generated prototypes, will excel. 3️⃣ Human touch: Fields such as healthcare will still require the personal, empathetic care that only humans can provide. To succeed, workers must focus on developing unique skills that machines cannot replicate. Creativity, adaptability, and emotional intelligence will be the cornerstones of the future workforce. The Next Big Thing commitment is to prepare you to be self-sufficient and ready to take advantage of all the opportunities the digital world has to offer you. More updates coming this October 📌
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Javier Alonso
4points to level up
28-year old digital marketer and business development manager. I'm a passionate learner of new technologies and business innovation trends.

Active 4h ago
Joined Jul 30, 2024
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