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Stoic life community

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9 contributions to Stoic life community
Kevin's post yesterday has me thinking...
I've been really thinking about ALL the things that lay outside my control. You know, it's easy to get caught up in the illusion that life is happening to us, that external forces control our destiny. But what if I told you that the real power lies within? Neville Goddard, a wise mystic, taught that our inner world shapes our outer world. While we might not be able to directly control every circumstance, we hold the key to transforming our reality by harnessing the power of our imagination. It might sound contradictory at first, but it's actually quite simple: our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create the blueprint for our experiences. By consciously choosing to focus on what we desire, and by vividly imagining ourselves already living that reality, we shift our internal landscape. And this shift, my friends, has a ripple effect that extends into the physical world. It's not about forceful control, but rather a gentle surrender to the natural flow of the universe. We plant the seeds of our desires within, and trust that they will blossom in due time. We take inspired action, guided by our inner knowing, and allow the universe to co-create with us. So, let's embrace this empowering truth: we are not victims of circumstance, but conscious creators of our reality. Let's paint a vibrant picture of our dreams in the canvas of our minds, and watch as life unfolds in beautiful alignment with our deepest desires. Remember, the power to transform your world lies within you.
Feeling uncomfortable? Good! ❤️ ❤️
Feeling uncomfortable? Good. That's the universe nudging you, telling you you're on the right track. Neville Goddard taught us that growth doesn't happen in the comfort zone. It's in those moments of unease, of stretching beyond what you know, that the magic happens. See, it's not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of courage. It means you're daring to dream bigger, to reach higher, to become the person you were always meant to be. Remember, every successful person has faced discomfort along the way. It's part of the journey. So don't let it hold you back. Today, and everyday...Lean into it, knowing that on the other side lies a stronger, wiser, more fulfilled you. As Neville said, "You are already that which you seek to be." So step into your power, embrace the discomfort, and watch your dreams unfold before your very eyes. Love YOU.
Daily stoic challenge
Embrace Discomfort: Occasionally challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone. This could be through physical exercise, cold showers, or engaging in difficult conversations. Embracing discomfort fosters resilience and personal growth. I want you to share the areas you are feeling discomfort and then challenge yourself to get through it!
New comment 26d ago
Yesterday I carried my little brother and just did hi. He appreciated me checking up on him. We both have had some resentments with each other, but now hopefully are starting to get things back on track.
Beautiful morning
Beautiful morning
Friday we turn up the heat!!!
Friday we don’t come off the job like everyone else we in fact start turning it up. This title is Lesser known by the self dev communities but a special Person in my life turned me into it- after he passed. I ordered a new copy of it and who knows how long the fresh print would have sat had I not been asked to give a class tomorrow. When I was asked, as if it was pre planned above straight came into my mind this book. Today I am studying up for Tomorrow!!!! Hugs to all —looking forward and up !!!!
New comment 28d ago
Friday we turn up the heat!!!
Amazing, never heard of this one. I must check it out. Are you presenting in it @Brandon Angel
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John-Michael Williams Jr.
40points to level up
Passionate Mental Health Advocate, an allright Husband, and incredible Father of 3 World-Changing Kids... Here to help. Always.

Active 4d ago
Joined Aug 18, 2024
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