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Reality Hacker Studios

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2 contributions to Reality Hacker Studios
Studio Superstars: Day 2 | Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs
Recognize and challenge your limiting beliefs, empowering yourself to pursue opportunities with confidence and resilience. The biggest strength of something like Imposter Syndrome is that you keep it in the dark. When we have a limiting belief that scares us, we tend to treat it like this big monster that we don't even want to make eye contact with. What that monster doesn't want you to know is that it's all shadows and imagination. By identifying these limiting beliefs, you shine light on them, and are finally able to see how small and insignificant they truly are. Lesson Overview: - Identify areas where limiting beliefs are holding you back. - Reflect on missed opportunities due to self-imposed limitations. - Understand the concept of "paper walls" and how they inhibit growth. - Develop strategies to overcome these limiting beliefs and take bold steps toward your goals. 1) Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Where have you been limiting yourself by thinking things are "impossible" or "out of your reach"? - Exercise: Take 5 minutes to write down any areas in your life where you feel limited. These can be related to personal goals, career aspirations, relationships, or any other aspect of life. - Reflection: Examine each limiting belief. Ask yourself, "Why do I believe this is impossible?" Challenge the validity of each belief and consider if it's based on facts or fear. Reflecting on Missed Opportunities: What opportunities have you potentially missed out on because you said no for the other party before even offering your services? - Exercise: Write down instances where you didn't pursue an opportunity because you assumed it wouldn't work out. Reflect on how you felt at that moment and what reasons you gave yourself for not trying. - Reflection: Think about how these situations could have turned out differently if you had taken the chance. What could you have gained or learned from the experience? What would the best case scenario have looked like?
New comment Aug 9
2 likes • Aug 8
For quite some time, I was blocked by the belief that I was bad at approaching people / forming a connection. Eventually, I realized that the only way to overcome this barrier is to go out in the world and interact with people. I started with just giving compliments to random people, because who doesn't like compliments, right? I got some strange looks, sure, but it wasn't about them. It was about me overcoming the fear to start talking with complete strangers. Now I am trying to enhance that skill to be able to talk more business orientated and create opportunities by visiting trade fairs en conventions, which in all honestly is still scary and I still not have an idea what the best approach is, but I can only keep on trying.
Welcome to the Reality Hacker Family! (🔥START HERE)
What’s up friends! On behalf of Mike and myself I want to thank you so much for joining us, and welcome you to the Reality Hacker family. This group is for the game dev that’s tired of: - Feeling alone in their journey - Feeling like making money from their craft is a pipe dream - Feeling overwhelmed with the idea of actually running a business. If you feel called to respect your art form and treat it like the career pursuit you dream of it being, you’ve found the right group! Mike and I built Reality Hacker Game Studios to be a resource for solo devs and indie teams, and give them access to business and entrepreneurship education that isn’t confusing or overwhelming. As we grow, this community is going to get flooded with content based around business, growing an audience, marketing, and sales all specifically tailored to the challenges you face as a game dev. Not only will we show you the theoretical knowledge we’ve picked up over years of building businesses and coaching entrepreneurs, but we are going to take the journey along with you as we build and launch our own games. As you accomplish goals with us, we encourage you to share your stories, lessons, and achievements so we can all learn together. The platform actually encourages it! By getting likes and comments from your fellow members, you’ll earn XP and level up, which will earn you access to more courses and resources. These courses can be found in the classroom section and will constantly be updated with new material! We’re so excited to have you and can’t wait to hear how you take your passions and turn them into a viable career for yourselves and your families. Get your points started by introducing yourself in the comments below!! Tell us what you do and what your goals are so we can help you get there! Let’s do this!!!!
New comment Aug 11
3 likes • Aug 7
Hello everyone! I am a freelance 3D generalist from the Netherlands. Have been doing some odd jobs here and there, but haven't really got my business off the ground yet. Excited to learn with and from each other and to grow as a community!
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Jordy Rosbergen
1point to level up
I am a freelance 3D generalist from Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Active 79d ago
Joined Aug 7, 2024
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