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First post and brief story.
Hi all. I’m Nancy and new to this group. Two years ago I stopped sugar and flour for 5 months. Felt great and lost 18 pounds. I faced a serious health challenge at that time and started comfort eating because I had no support - so that was that. As of May 1, I have started no sugar again. I realized that I have increased carb intake to compensate so June 1, I will be dropping flour. No weight loss yet but feeling better, less inflammation. Glad to have some support!
New comment Aug '23
2 likes • Jun '23
@M W actually I meant I learnt about various forms of flours after my daughter was diagnosed as Celiac and was told that it was mainly wheat, oats, rye and barley that had to be eliminated from her diet because of the gluten in those four forms of products. Therefore, even oats which wasn’t made into a flour had to be eliminated. As I responded to Michelle, eating salads and all vegetables, I add limited amounts of nuts, seeds and beans to my vegetables for additional protein in addition to the fish that I eat. No meat or poultry for 12+ years. Can’t imagine what I would eat if no vegetables, beans or nuts. I believe that you had listed a website on one of your posts which I read up on Saturday morning. Correct me if I am confusing you with someone else because I find maneuvering within the group somewhat challenging 😰 Computer skills not the greatest for me
0 likes • Aug '23
@M W How are you? I haven’t signed into SKOOL for several weeks now. Have had some other health issues and lots of appointments and travelling by public transit especially into TO from where I live further North is time consuming. I’m so tired all the time with each passing day! I’m trying my best to still stick with the program. The cravings for sugar is pretty much subsided. No longer thinking about having some chocolate while in bed before falling asleep. Have been listening to YouTube videos which helps me to fall asleep very quickly. Grace for Purpose, Get Sleepy and now Stephen Dalton who has an awesome voice. Still trying to catch up with all the summer appointments! Been stressed out for last 8 years with a Jezebel neighbour who moved in next door just prior to my retirement. I trust that you’re doing well and I will try to get back into the “groove” since Mike’s program and your input has helped me tremendously. Stay well :)
Don't miss this!
Hey Gang, Do you still want to learn how to cut back or even eliminate sugar from your life? Well... then, I have some good news for you. If you've been on the fence or have even been considering joining the 30-Day Sugar Detox Challenge... We just lowered the cost to join to $27! Why? Because we're looking for more sugar success stories, and we want you to be our next. Amazing things happen when you stop eating those extra calories and start living a sugar-free lifestyle. Many report experiencing a "glow" they haven’t felt in years... ...Their energy comes back… ...They start sleeping better… ...Your skin clears up, and any puffiness or redness dissipates quickly. It’s time to stop blaming some of these health issues on "age", "hormones", or "if only I had the money to join"... Because let’s face it, we can do much better for ourselves. We can be healthy no matter where we are if we accept one thing: Sugar keeps us from reaching our true, healthy selves. And no one is asking you to quit sugar forever... This isn’t one of those "programs" either… Instead, the 30-Day Challenge is all about changing your negative relationship with sugar in a safe and supportive environment. So, if you're ready to make this change and not let another month pass by with your health being negatively affected by all things sugar... >> Go here to join the 30-Day Sugar Detox Challenge for just $27.
New comment Jul '23
Don't miss this!
4 likes • Jul '23
@Mike Collins Thank you so much Mike. So grateful to you. Never believed that I could have a day when I wasn’t yearning for sugar especially chocolate. I’m very happy with this change in my life. Attempted getting a close relative to join but never received any responses to my forwarding of your emails. I’m feeling healthier already :)
1 like • Jul '23
Profile change
From Nurse Minnie Mouse to Graduation Day on my second career in nursing!
New comment Jul '23
3 likes • Jun '23
@Michelle Stanley Thanks again and it felt liberating. Sounds like you had a wonderful little boy who enjoyed animals! Trust that you surround yourself with lots of photos of him? Whenever I find documentaries on Ms. Goodall I look at them. I had read once someone criticizing her but I think she’s an awesome person to dedicate so many decades of her life to doing what she enjoyed. It’s an inspiration! I have to remind myself that I have succeeded at/through other difficulties, so I have to focus on winning this war on becoming SugarFree once and for all. It is just that sugar and flour seems to be such a formidable foe? It’s been around for so many centuries and does fulfill our emotional needs. I wasn’t that much lured by everything sugary until I started experiencing lots of put downs by the malignant narcissist in my life. Started after I gave up on a good career in Finance to raise our two young children and lost my financial independence. It was only after listening to Mike that it really dawned on me that this was when my sugar dependency truly became a huge problem. It was a viscous cycle and what caused my other battle with weight gain. I have never over eaten at meals or indulged much in fast foods other than during the years of returning to school for nursing and both of us being busy with work/school and family life. Based on several docuseries that I have watched on health topics, the food manufacturers know how to entrap us by adding whatever they add to foods to make us addicted to tastes! The good Lord knows that I do want to succeed on this SugarFree journey :)
1 like • Jul '23
@Cindy Carter Good morning and thank you very much!
Hello everyone
Hello, I’m 43, mum of 4 and a grandmother. I have an autoimmune and hormone disorder that I keep in check by eating carnivore. I do great and literally feel and look like I’m de-aging when I’m ALL sugars/processed foods free. However, then I binge because I crave the taste of carbs- which sets me up for weeks of negative health effects physically and mentally. Vicious cycle I need to break. Glad to have a FB free platform to turn to. Thank you to everyone who made this possible :)
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
@M W How are you? I haven’t been too good with checking in with the community because have something on my mind that’s troubling me for past several days. I am aware that I am yet to respond to one of your posts from several days ago. I am getting close to cutting out at least the Greek Yogurt but cheese is a really tough one. The sugar cravings are almost gone and no longer lying in bed wishing that I had a piece of chocolate. Didn’t do Zoom yesterday since it was the extra day for our Independence Day holiday. I don’t know if you’re in the US; however, if you are Independence Day greetings! Be well
0 likes • Jul '23
@M W Hi M, I wasn’t online for a few weeks also, because of this and that. It was good to hear from you. I hope that you’ve received some relief from the migraines you were having? Suffered from those in my late 30’s to early 40’s then they ended just like that. Happy don’t get those anymore. I’m still struggling with the sugar and eliminating dairy, but doing better with the flour, even though challenging … at least stopped eating butter. I received the results of the diagnostic test and although nothing seen continues to have pain with activity! Thanks for the Greek soy yogurt link. I checked it out; seems time consuming. I’m really not big into cooking so this home made yogurt sounds like work (lol)., although the high protein content is encouraging. I’ve never used a pressure cooker because when was younger my older sisters did the cooking and recalled the cover blowing up and the contents of the pot ending up on the ceiling in kitchen (lol). When I started cooking stayed away from pressure cookers! Have you used the yogurt maker appliance mentioned in article? Also, I’m confused by reports that soy unless fermented causes cancer especially breast! Guess have to increase the vegetables and beans in order to not feel so weak and lightheaded! I had become a member of Food Revolution Network severs weeks ago which was expensive in Canadian equivalent and yet I seem to have no energy to even sign in and make use of what I’ve paid for 🥱! Do enjoy listening to Dr. Furhman and downloaded a preview of his book but haven’t started reading as yet to determine if will purchase and attempt his recipes. Did yard work on Friday and again today so my “old” body feels fatigued and muscles ache. I think I will head to bed soon. Until next time :)
Recidivism, Counting Sugar-Free Days and the Zen of Sugar Detox…
From The Meriam-Webster dictionary: Recidivism: a tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior… We get asked all the time… (in addition to: “Do I have to do this for the rest of my life?”) “Do I have to start over counting my days if I slip?” In this world of tracking everything, knowing how long you’ve been “off” something you have deemed harmful to you… is a big deal. I’m sure it originated with the alcohol and nicotine/tobacco quitting programs. Where your “clean or sober” time is meticulously tracked, and you have defined bragging rights… “I’ve been sober X years” or “I haven’t had a cigarette since January 1st, 2001…” Heck, I’m just as guilty. When you’ve been sugar-free for 34 years, you get a lot of Wow’s! And Really’s? ...It feels good. But with sugar, especially in the early days, we find it might be a stumbling block to long-term success to focus on counting your days… First off, with cigarettes and booze, you can - “put the plug in the jug” - meaning avoid the stuff altogether… BUT... With today’s food supply having 75+% of it tainted with sugar and having to eat three times a day - you have to let that tiger out of the cage and walk it three times a day. See the difference? We have been training our emotional management systems to get that dopamine hit (and about a million other feel-good chemical manipulations) since birth via sugar. It’s genuinely a different deal. But we’ve found that after a couple of “slips” (more on those in another article) folks feel like they have failed and seem to fade away and give up. We know this because folks come back all the time and tell us! Personally, back in the day, when I quit sugar, it took me almost two full years to get 100% abstinent. From the time I became aware and started to try - to the time I was successful was a long time. Back then, there was no one to talk to about this stuff... So how have we avoided that in our successful folks? How do you stay on track?
New comment Jul '23
Recidivism, Counting Sugar-Free Days and the Zen of Sugar Detox…
1 like • Jul '23
Mike, I’m trying to hang on! Thanks
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