I wanted to share this exercise I created that helped me remove overwhelm, inspired by a group coaching session with the Dopamine Queen. It's simple but effective. First, list out all the things you are "pushing on", or have expectations of yourself to do. Basically - list out everything on your plate. Just go into full stream-of-consciousness mode. Now ask yourself: 1. What will I push on today? 2. Tomorrow? 3. When I can? 4. Not at all? (ie. what will I let go of?) Then, color code each one (in Notion: click the handle at the left and choose "Color" submenu): 1. green for today 2. purple for tomorrow 3. blue for when I can 4. red for not at all You will now have a hierarchical ranking you can use to sort -- and remove -- priorities. Finally, rearrange your list by color to have an authoritative list, at a glance, of: - "what I'll be caring about today" - "what I will be caring about another day, soon" - and "what I won't be caring about for now... or maybe ever." See my list below (blurred client names) for inspiration.