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Creator Party

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9 contributions to Creator Party
90 days after going *all in*...❤️
It has been just over 90 days since I made a decision that changed everything. In early June, I decided: "I'm going to make sales EVERY DAY. I am going to show up and sell, EVERY DAY. I am going to go ALL IN and see what happens." 2 weeks later, on June 14th, I launched 3 new products, new funnels, started showing up and selling daily, and got out of my own way. Everything has changed over the last 90 days since that moment. It's my "before and after" line in the sand. In the last 3 months I have: 🚀 Launched SIX (6!) products + courses (some new, some hidden gems that I mined from my bigger programs that hadn't had their time in the sun yet!) ❤️ Welcomed 55 amazing people who are playing big and going all in into ​Profit Architecture​ (the #1 place to be in my world to learn EVERYTHING I know) 🤯 Made 1,670 product + course sales (over 1,400 orders, which sometimes include 2+ products in a single order because of order bumps + upsells) *Sidenote: LITERALLY WHAT? I am stunned, that is insane. My results are NOT typical, I have a decade of experience, have built a large audience, and honed my skills over many years of hard work!! 💯 Kept up my "no zero sales days" sales every day streak since going all in June 14th 🛍️ Launched a ​SHOP​ because I now have so many fun products + courses for sale 🔥 Welcomed over 660+ people into a ​brand new program​ during a presale - kicking off what I know is going to create massive waves of impact in this industry 📲 Received dozens of messages from other 7- and 8-figure business owners, high profile CEOs, celebrities and clients telling me that I am inspiring them to sell more because of how they see me showing up. ✅ Kept my commitment to showing up, selling and serving every day in a way that feels fun, energizing, and creative to me! And I did all this with: ❤️ A completely clear + spacious calendar - ZERO calls on my calendar at all
New comment 3m ago
90 days after going *all in*...❤️
2 likes • 3h
Cheers :)!
Evergreen Every Day: Module 3 is LIVE! 🤩
Evergreen Every Day clients - big news!! Module 1, 2, 3, AND the Funnel Templates upgrade are now published and available for you to dive into. You can find everything in the classroom, under the Evergreen Every Day course (and the Funnel Templates course if you got the VIP upgrade). (If you're not yet enrolled in Evergreen Every Day - join us here!) ➡️ Module 3: "The Funnel" is LIVE in the classroom! This module is all about building out the 3-product funnel in detail. We talk about the funnel flow, making upgrade sales seamless and fun, email sequences, and so much more. Get started TODAY in the classroom with the module "The Funnel"! Post here in the group about your biggest takeaway, a-ha moment, or breakthrough. ____ ➡️ The Funnel Templates Upgrade is LIVE in the classroom If you added the Funnel Templates to your order, they are in the classroom now and ready for you to plug-and-play while you build out the funnel. The course itself shows you screenshares, but it will save so much time using the plug-and-play funnel templates! The Funnel Templates upgrade includes: ✅ Funnel + Product One Sheet Template (Google Docs) ✅ Email Funnel Sequence Template (Google Docs) ✅ Low Ticket Offer Sales Page Template (Leadpages) ✅ Shop Page Template (Leadpages) ✅ Airtable Buyers Database + Dashboard ⭐ If you haven't already, add on the Funnel Templates to save some time (you can find a link in the classroom)! ____ ➡️ New Modules Coming Soon New lessons are being added to the classroom in a "drip" style until all modules are uploaded. Here's what's coming next: - Module 4: The Daily Revenue Routines - Bonuses: Results breakdown, etc THEN, after the modules are published, we will do our live Q&A session so that you will have a chance to go through the lessons and submit your questions as you go, based on what's in the curriculum. 🤓 Go through the modules that are available now, and post in the group about your biggest takeaway, a-ha moment, or breakthrough.
New comment 3h ago
Evergreen Every Day: Module 3 is LIVE! 🤩
0 likes • 14h
YES! Can't wait to do Module 3
Created Champagne Content and got a Champagne Lead
I followed the advice in Mariah's Champaign Client course and scheduled out my first piece of champagne content. It was a newsletter/blog post about Mariah's podcast funnel (because it's excellent, obviously). Within one hour of the newsletter going out, I had someone reply asking for my rates to solve the problem I had outlined! 🥳
New comment 3d ago
Created Champagne Content and got a Champagne Lead
0 likes • 3d
Loving the Evergreen Everyday Course!!!
I'm really enjoying the Evergreen Everyday course, especially the mindset section. A few parts really stood out to me. First, the concept of 'Screw It Equals More Sales' really resonated with me. As someone who values excellence and perfection, I tend to be quick at executing despite those priorities. For instance, I was working on my evergreen funnel recently, which includes videos. Initially, I found myself thinking, "I need to get my hair done before I shoot these videos." But instead of making excuses or waiting, I pushed forward and created slideshow-style videos. In that moment, I embraced the 'Screw It, Let's Get This Money' mindset, and it was a game-changer for me. Another section I absolutely loved was the idea of having 'The Audacity to Be Annoying.' I used to only email my list when I was launching something. It wasn't until this year that I started consistently sending an audio newsletter every Monday and going live on YouTube every Wednesday. The concept of being unapologetically persistent made me realize I should be sending more emails and increasing my touchpoints—daily if needed! While I’ve always been comfortable selling more, I struggled with the idea of being annoying outside of launches. This training shifted my mindset to embrace being 'annoying' all the time, not just during launches. The part that took this training over the top for me was the video on unsubscribes. OMG, I’m so grateful you addressed it! You're the first person I've seen talk about unsubscribes in this way. I used to hesitate to send emails outside of launches because I feared losing subscribers. But this year, as I’ve become more consistent, I’ve lost a lot of subscribers—and I’m totally okay with it now. Like you said, it's about keeping the people who love the UnCloned® brand and not worrying about those who are bothered. This mindset has given me so much freedom, and I'm ready to go even harder. Let's light this up! Thank you so much for putting together this incredible training.
New comment 3d ago
Loving the Evergreen Everyday Course!!!
1 like • 3d
I just finished the first 2 modules and loved them so much too!! Love that Mariah focuses on the meat instead of the plating of these video lessons. Inspire me to "make things less polished" too.
I bought Evergreen Every Day impulsively and I was shocked by my unusual behavior
I never buy anything impulsively! So I documented what triggered me to buy this course to dig out some learnings for myself. Truth is Mariah is really good at selling! Ha! I hope you learn a thing or 2 from the video too!
New comment 9d ago
I bought Evergreen Every Day impulsively and I was shocked by my unusual behavior
0 likes • 20d
@Christina Lopez Yeah of cos happy to :)
1-9 of 9
Kevon Cheung
34points to level up
Founder of Small School. I help creators be profitable with Small Courses.

Active 3h ago
Joined Jul 29, 2024
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