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7 contributions to Supercharged Entrepreneurs
Grinding vs Well-Being: What’s the Key to Peak Productivity?
Hi Mark, I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep this brief. I’ve noticed that many successful entrepreneurs, like Charlie Morgan and Sam Ovens (Previously), often talk about grinding through pain and pushing yourself hard to succeed. But I’ve found that when I’m in pain or under stress, my productivity takes a hit, and I struggle to focus. So, I’m curious—what’s the right approach? Is it better to push through discomfort and stay under pressure, or should I focus on maintaining a good mental state and avoid stress to stay productive? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!
New comment Aug 15
The Art of Caffeine Cycling for Optimized Productivity
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Today, I found myself buying a humble espresso for $2.99 and tipping the barista an extra $10. Why the generous tip? The barista looked like he was having a tough day, and after reading 'The Power of Love' by Fran Grace, I've been challenging myself to practice more acts of kindness. (That said, I can't shake off the guilt of squashing a mosquito this morning. Karma, right?) But back to the espresso. I bought it because it contains roughly 65mg of caffeine, about a third of the amount in a standard cup of coffee. This was after a sleepless night due to some nagging lower back pain - but that's a story for another day. Why am I sharing this, you ask? Well, it got me thinking about our relationship with caffeine, especially in the business world. Are you leveraging caffeine as a tool, Supercharged Entrepreneurs, or is it becoming a daily dependency? Caffeine, used correctly, is a PERFORMANCE-ENHANCING DRUG. Yet, overuse or abuse may lead to negative effects such as: 1. Diminished ability to process emotions[^1^]. 2. Heightened feelings of anxiety[^2^]. 3. A tendency to focus on busywork while neglecting key tasks[^3^]. 4. Increased risk of adrenal fatigue and consequent burnout[^4^]. 5. Impaired sleep quality[^5^]. Remember, these adverse effects are dose-dependent - the more caffeine you consume, the greater the impact. So, how can you cycle caffeine effectively, leveraging its benefits without the pitfalls? Take a leaf from Olympic athletes' books. They use caffeine strategically, only when they need that extra boost - during intense training sessions, on competition days, or to compensate for a poor night's sleep. Here's a strategy I recommend, one that I've seen work wonders with my clients: 1. Gradually reduce your daily caffeine intake by about 100mg each week until you're at zero. This helps reduce the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. (If you're on two cups of coffee a day, that's approximately 400mg of caffeine, meaning it'll take you about four weeks to cut it out completely.)
New comment Jul 3
The Art of Caffeine Cycling for Optimized Productivity
1 like • Jul 3
I have caffeine shots even at night! thanks mark for sharing!
Lazy Stoner to 8-Figure Empire: The Hypnosis Trick That Changes Everything
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Ever wonder why some entrepreneurs seem to have that "magic touch," effortlessly scaling their businesses to 7, 8, even 9 figures... While others (maybe even you) feel stuck on a hamster wheel, working harder than ever but barely moving the needle? Well, I'm about to let you in on a little secret that most "business gurus" don't want you to know (or have no idea about)... It's NOT about working harder, grinding longer hours, or even having the "perfect" strategy. Nope. The REAL key to unlocking your full potential and achieving massive success lies hidden in your subconscious mind. And I've got the proof to back it up. But first, let me take you back to 2015... I was living in a mansion in the Hollywood Hill's with a client turned mentor, Michael "Big Mike" Straumietis – The soon-to-be billionaire CEO of Advanced Nutrients (the #1 cannabis fertilizer company in the world). Big Mike leaned in close and said, "Mark, if you want to take your success to the next level, there's someone you need to see." He then told me about Dr. George Pratt, a world-renowned hypnotist who had helped him unlock unprecedented levels of success in his business and life. At the time, I had already had experience with NLP helping me breathrough limiting beliefs and make more money... So when Big Mike told me about Dr. Pratt, it was a no-brainer! I booked a session, then 3 months later (his earliest opening) I drove down to San Diego to see Dr. Pratt. Little did I know, this would be the beginning of a journey that would completely transform my understanding of success and human potential. You see, Dr. Pratt isn't just some run-of-the-mill hypnotist. He's the guy that the world's top performers turn to when they need to break through to that next level. Take Rob Dyrdek, for example. You might know him as the pro skateboarder turned wildly successful entrepreneur. But what you might not know is that Rob was once a self-described "lazy stoner" who felt lost and unfulfilled, DESPITE making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as a pro skater.
New comment Jun 25
Lazy Stoner to 8-Figure Empire: The Hypnosis Trick That Changes Everything
1 like • Jun 23
Exactly, Thanks for sharing Mark. all of us need to control the subconscious.
1 like • Jun 25
@Michael Edelberg Exactly, me too.
What book do you recommend
Hello everyone, I recently finished Yongey Rinpoche's The Joy of Living, very good, (specially the 1st half) Do you have any book recommendations?
New comment Aug 4
1 like • Jun 22
The Art Of Impossible, Amazing book highly recommended.
What I learned 'Modelling' With RONALDO
Hey Supercharged Entrepreneurs, Did I ever tell you about the time I did some modeling with Cristiano Ronaldo? I learned something that day about "Red Thoughts" that can be the difference between you being stuck at a certain revenue, or breaking through to achieve massive financial success. I thought about it today because the Euro 2024 soccer tournament is currently happening in Germany and it's likely the last time Ronaldo plays for his country, Portugal. (In case you didn't know, Ronaldo and Messi are still regarded as some of the best players in the world.) Well, back in 2008ish I had recently graduated with a Sports Science degree, started coaching entrepreneurs, and did some modeling on the side. I was living at home, Manchester, UK and at the time Ronaldo was still playing for my boyhood club, Manchester United. Obviously, I was (and still am) a BIG Ronaldo fan! I couldn't believe my luck when I got picked to do a modeling shoot with Ronaldo being the star! (It wasn't as glamorous as it sounds, I was an extra in a Nike commercial where I and a couple of hundred others stood around all day in the rain while Ronaldo did his thing.) But what I did do after this, was study Ronaldo's Psychology. You see at the time, Ronaldo was working heavily with Manchester United's newly hired sports psychologist Dr. Rui Faria. And what I discovered absolutely blew my mind... In sports psychology, negative thoughts are known as "Red Thoughts" – and they're the ultimate performance killers. These are the little voices in your head that constantly whisper things like: "You're not good enough to hit your revenue goals." "Who are you kidding? You'll never be able to scale to 7-figures." "It's too hard, just give up and dio something else." Sound familiar? If you're like most entrepreneurs, these "Red Thought" gremlins are wreaking havoc on your confidence, your decisions, and your bottom line. They keep you playing small, stuck in a vicious cycle of self-doubt and underachievement.
New comment Jun 21
What I learned 'Modelling' With RONALDO
1 like • Jun 21
Thanks for sharing Mark.
1-7 of 7
Khaled Molla
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Joined Jun 17, 2024
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