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Prophetic Inner Circle

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ORACLE : Voice of God : Happy For This GroupπŸ€—
I got this word after Friday's teaching. I was feeling a bit low as to why so many in my life treated me so badly. Sincerely, I would speak up about situations that were laying dormant or untouched. In their defence, I was a bit frank and blunt (straightforward). Nevertheless, it was clear that it needed to be addressed. The retaliation was brutal. Being that it started when I was a little girl. In the innocence of heart, I would relate what I was seeing in them, yet they would lie. Especially when I would relate to highlighting areas that needed improvement. This continued all through the years, into adulthood. Mainly, whenever I spoke, it would be met with such harsh treatment. Eventually leading to public humiliation, character defamation/assassination, occultism slander/smear campaign and ostracizing. It was horrible and ever so lonely. I yearned for my name to be cleared and for people to see the true me. The real me. Yet it seem to go from bad to worse. It became so bad that manic depression came in, which led to multiple suicidal attempts. I didn't want to be in a world where the humans in it didn't accept my presence. After Friday's teaching, I laying in bed, reliving these horrible events in mind. And thinking how it would have been so good if I had had a mentor all these years. Someone who would have taught me how to regulate this gift. Deep in thought, I heard Isaiah 40:3. So I went to look it up and felt led to read verses 3-5. Which confirms a dream God told me that he was going to train me to be an Oracle. 3. The VOICE of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, MAKE STRAIGHT in the desert a highway for our God. 4. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the CROOKED shall be MADE STRAIGHT, and the ROUGH places PLAIN: 5. And the GLORY of the LORD shall be REVEALED, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. Isaiah 40:3-5 KJV This is me in a nutshell.
New comment 11d ago
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Thank you. Scripture resonates. God Bless You. πŸ€—
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Kim Boland
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Designer (Fashion, Web, Graphic)

Active 11d ago
Joined Sep 14, 2024
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