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Friday Mentorship Call is happening in 5 days
Prophetic Inner Circle Initiation! ⭕️
Greetings Everyone! Here is an Initiation Video of all that you can expect out of The Prophetic Inner Circle! In this video I cover platforms and how to use them, times for our community calls and Prophetic Tables! Please watch this video it will answer all questions that you have! Lastly, if you are not in our Telegram Group, please join here: With that said, I will see you this Friday at 3pm PST! Be blessed. Jack.
New comment 24d ago
Prophetic Inner Circle Initiation! ⭕️
New E-Course Released! - How To Sharpen Your Prophetic Ability
Hey Everyone, I have a great surprise for you! I have just released our first e-course on sharpening your prophetic ability in the classroom tab here in The Prophetic Altitude Co! I pray that this short 7-module course blesses you, increases you, and activates you! I would love to hear your feedback. Be blessed, Jack
New comment 20d ago
New E-Course Released! - How To Sharpen Your Prophetic Ability
A home for Dreams & Visions. ✨
Welcome to the Dreams & Visions Threads. This thread is solely dedicated to sharing your dreams and visions. The goal is that we would have an active Tab to explore the mysteries of dreams and visions together. Feel free to post your encounter for the community to interpret or to simple encourage the community with what you are seeing. On our weekly community calls we I will pick some of the dreams and visions and we will discover its prophetic meaning and activation together. With love, Jack.
New comment 22d ago
Deliverance Training
There has been some preliminary discussion from the Pastor about the need to help the congregation better understand deliverance ministry. The need is very real amongst the homeless, drug affected people that the Lord is sending our way. It's likely I would end up with the training job. Does anyone have a write up that your church uses please, that’s not copyrighted? Also a written church protocol for deliverance training? It would save me some time. Nothing too elaborate. Thanks! 😊
New comment 4h ago
Prophet dream - leaving my job
Last night I had a dream that felt significant. Interested in your thoughts 😊 I know that Daryl as a prophet would represent God speaking. I was with a group of young women and we were talking about changing jobs and i mentioned that I’d had 21 jobs in the last 20 years (this isn’t actually true though). Daryl Crawford-Marshall was sitting nearby and said he often spoke words to transition people out of jobs. I went and sat with him and asked him if I’m meant to leave my job (as I hadn’t heard a clear yes on Gods timing). He said yes I am meant to leave. Daryl reminded me that he had recently given me 3 gifts to signify the transition and asked me if I remembered what they were (I got the sense that I’d already delayed making this change): The 3 gifts were A pink pen 🖊️ A colorful woven Middle eastern looking scarfe/ cloak 🥻 A note typed on small piece of paper (i knew it was an important instruction/ plan) 📃
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Prophetic Inner Circle
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This is the prophetic hour to be equipped, activated, & unified!
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