If you are tired of having to drop your prices every time you want to close a deal, if you keep running into price shoppers, or if you don't have a great script for booking customers, you need this. I will be giving away my exact sales script that has helped hundreds of students close 50%+ without lowering their prices. I am also going to give you access to a Sales Mastermind where I review real calls from students and give them feedback on how to run the calls, handle objections, and close more deals. Comment below "SALES" and I will send it over!
What are some current challenges you guys are facing in your business? Whether you’re still putting the pieces together of building your business or if you have a live business. Ex. Finding quality cleaners, marketing, customer retention, sales/booking process, customer satisfaction, chargebacks/not getting paid for a job, etc. Here to help! ☺️