Hello everyone. ✋ My name is Marcin and I come from Poznań, Poland. Currently, I work as a web developer and help a publishing house with the maintenance and development of their website. But as it is not enough for me. Therefore, I ultimately want to create my own website that helps entrepreneurs and uses AI to make better decisions based on information from customers. As a fan of automation and AI, I am currently building free resources in order to acquire the first paid customers (mainly from LinkedIn) for my services. If anyone has any proven ideas, I'll be happy to talk about it. Marcin PS. I bought both of Alex's $100M books and am trying to implement the information from the first one. By the way, I can help you when it comes to automation using No Code and AI.
@Edward Yi Thanks to my daily job. We ask scientists to leave their opinions on published works. There are so many of them that their analysis begins to consume too much time. Since this was a period when ChatGpt was becoming more and more popular, I thought that maybe it could be used to analyze these opinions. I liked it so much that I started doing private projects for myself. Currently, for example, I am implementing automation related to VIP customer analyzes to my clients.