Let's Celebrate New Book Launched
Hey Friends, I just wanted to share that I finally hit "Publish" on my latest book. For me anxiety always strikes before I hit publish. Especially when I am catching some last minute typos before I publish, but ya know what? I think that's normal for those of us who are experienced with self publishing. The next step for me would be setting up my A+ content, scheduling my KDP free days for my ebook, and running some book promotions. I will also need to start sending out emails to my audience to let them know about this latest book launch to start to drive some traffic and sales to Amazon because that helps them push out your book more. The next biggest goal is trying to get as many reviews on the book that I can so that I can start my Amazon ads and kick everything off. <3 Just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone supporting me on this book publishing journey as the more I continue to learn the more I will be sharing with you.