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The Permaculture Collective

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For gardeners, homesteaders, farmers, and those seeking community- centered around regenerating the Earth.


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23 contributions to The Permaculture Collective
I planted some raddish seeds (on Tuesday or Wednesday if I remember well) and they are already growing up! My self confidence regarding growing my own veggies is growing along with the raddishes!💖🙂 I'm starting small with the plant pot. I have a small question. Once I harvest them, if I cut the green leaves with the whole stem base and plant them, will they grow roots or they can only grow from seeds? A newbie question, I know! 🙂
New comment 28d ago
3 likes • 28d
I've never tried this idea, but they make automatic misting devices for reptiles. I wonder if that would be a good solution for watering sprouts or plant starts.
Introduce Yourself! Where are you from? What are you passionate about? What are your goals within this community?
Hi All! My name is Mary (she/her), and I live in Arlington, WA on a beautiful 20 acre farm, Pragtree Farm. I have been co-stewarding this land with three of my friends for a couple of years now and am honored to be a part of this intentional community. This farm has a rich history of many hands contributing to caring for this space in a way that helps to regenerate the earth. Tending to the land is truly one of my passions. I am excited to connect with you all and be a part of this collective, where we can share what we are working on and what we are learning and get feedback from others on how to best take care of the land (and each other). I am a landscape/farm designer who is passionate about regenerative farming practices. I love bringing designs to life by embracing my artsy side, but really, it is my goal to help others and put my all into this "work." I want to continue learning how I can help land owners, fellow stewards, enthusiasts, and daydreamers explore the tools it takes to create a sanctuary that fully embodies permaculture ethics and is soothing to the soul. We are in this together and can't wait to meet you! P.s. Say hi to your dog for me.
New comment 5d ago
1 like • 28d
Welcome to the group, @Rebecca Lennox So cool to see some photos of your space. Isn't so hard to remember to take photos at each stage!? I look forward to seeing more though as it continues to transform!
0 likes • 28d
@Mahdi Eskandari So glad you joined the group! Would love to see some pics of the fungi growing in your region and hear more about what courses you are in. I will always be a 'self guided' student, but miss all the plant ID classes I took in college.
Let’s share photos of fungi and related. No need to name them as I have no idea. Just share ones you find.
New comment 27d ago
0 likes • 28d
Thanks for starting this thread, Luke! I will share mushy pics as I stumble across them!
I am founder of P3 Permaculture a education and consulting social enterprise since 2009. I Live in Alcove quebec 30 mins north of ottawa. Zone 4. I have been practicing permaculture for years and love to share and learn.
New comment 24d ago
1 like • 28d
So great to meet you, Graham! Would love to hear more about what it's like living in Quebec and what your site it like. So glad you joined the community!
Early strawberries 🍓
This patch is really putting out a good batch of strawberries. How do you like to eat strawberries? 🍓 I find I tend to eat them fresh out in the garden.
New comment 21d ago
Early strawberries 🍓
0 likes • 28d
Such a great ground cover! Those are some happy plants! I agree. Fresh Strawberries are the best!
1-10 of 23
Mary Marshall
6points to level up
Designer, Land Steward, and Educator with Edge Perma and The Permaculture Podcast with Scott Mann. Co-founder of The Permaculture Collective.

Active 2d ago
Joined May 30, 2024
Pragtree Farm
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