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12 contributions to Nyomi's Free UGC Community
Speedrun from €0 to €10K Update and Challenge!!
I just wrapped up a big step in my journey today, and I’m challenging YOU to do the same! 🎯 If you’ve been feeling stuck or unsure about your next move, this is your sign—it’s time to make your vision board. 💡 And trust me, this is more than just a “cute” activity; it’s about getting super clear on what you want and keeping your goals front and center. Here’s how to do it, and it’s super simple: 1. Step 1: Write down your big goals. Think finance, relationships, career, personal growth—everything that really matters to you. 2. Step 2: Head over to Pinterest and search for images that bring your goals to life. Dream clients? Lifestyle vibes? Motivational quotes? Pin them all! 3. Step 3: Put it all together. You can make it digital or go old school and print them out, whatever feels right for you. This vision board will be your reminder of what you're aiming for and keep you laser-focused when things get tough. I can’t tell you how powerful it feels to see your goals staring back at you every day. As for me, I’ve just finished writing down my goals—finance, relationships, and career development—and mapped out my strategy. I’ve decided to split my efforts 50/50 between personal branding and pitching. With my vision board complete and my goals crystal clear, I’m READY to go after it! 🔥 Now, here’s the real challenge: make your board, post it in the community, and let’s hold each other accountable. Let’s see the goals you're working toward so we can cheer you on! This is about YOUR journey, and your vision matters. So, take 15 minutes today and make that vision board. Ready to crush it with me? 💪 Drop it in the comments when you’re done—I can’t wait to see what you’re aiming for! 🙌
New comment 8d ago
Speedrun from €0 to €10K Update and Challenge!!
0 likes • 11d
I love this!
Pricing for Couple Content
If you're doing couple content how do you structure your pricing? I am starting to get inbounds for content with my husband. Since it is both of us, I feel like we both need to get paid.
New comment 13d ago
Happy September!! Let's catch up💕
OMG we’re in September already?!?😱 Let's start this month with reflecting on August and setting our goals for september! I just know this is going to be a successful month for all of us ✨ 😍👇I’d love to know: 1. What was your biggest achievement in August? 2. What are your goals for September? 3. What actionable steps will you take to achieve these goals this month? Drop your answer below!! 💞
New comment 14d ago
Happy September!! Let's catch up💕
1 like • 17d
My biggest win from August was landing my first $500 deal. September goal will be to work on my personal brand on TT and IG. I will do this by getting a scheduling tool like Monday or Asana to plan my content
Brand fee Q
Hey team, I’ve been asked to quote for my services.. I guess the perpetuity rights have thrown me. What would you charge as a UGC Creator if the brand is asking for 3 videos with perpetuity rights + raw footage?
New comment 28d ago
1 like • 29d
Ask them their budget and then reply. I find usage rights to be hard to navigate and track so I just give perpetual usage rights as part of my package for smaller brands
0 likes • 28d
@Ella Winter I agree. But as a new creator, the times I've discussed paying for perpetual rights it's always been a hard no or a one time fee - like $100 🫤
Hi hi Everyone ✨
Hi everyone I am Layla I’m from Belgium I love to make content and study marketing in the past but I am a mom of three 🩷💙💙 and I was searching something that I can combine with my motherhood and my passion to make content 🤗 then I found UGC ✨ I am busy now with my portfolio and I am really loving it 🥰 I hope to finish my portfolio this week and start pushing brands next week wish me luck 🍀🤗
New comment 13d ago
1 like • 29d
Get on twitter/X that’s where so many opportunities are posted. Search #hiringugc #ugcopportunity hashtags
1-10 of 12
Nicole Bray
4points to level up
🌟 Hello from Alberta, Canada! With 20+ years in marketing, I bring a fusion of creativity and market savvy.

Active 9d ago
Joined Jun 3, 2024
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