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6 contributions to Easier Ways
This article is based on my experience, so there's no need to agree or disagree. I'm pretty sure we all have our own unique way of looking at something as personal as prayer. Prayer doesn’t change the nature of God—it changes the nature of the one who prays. It’s not about trying to bend the universe to our will or convincing a higher power to act in our favor. It’s about the transformation that happens within us when we open ourselves up in prayer. When we pray, we step into a space of vulnerability. We’re honest about our fears, hopes, pain, and longing. At that moment, we’re not trying to control or fix anything. We’re simply showing up as we are, laying it all out there. And in that act of showing up, something profound begins to shift. Prayer invites us to let go of the need to figure everything out. It acknowledges that we don’t have all the answers and don’t need to. In prayer, we create room for grace, humility, and acceptance. It’s in that space that we become more grounded, more open, and more connected to something bigger than ourselves. The real power of prayer isn’t in changing the external circumstances of our lives but in changing how we relate to those circumstances. Prayer helps us move from fear to trust, from anxiety to peace, from anger to compassion. It softens our hearts, clarifies our intentions, and shifts our perspective. We become more aligned with our values, more attuned to our purpose, and more capable of living with courage. In that way, prayer is less about changing God and more about changing us. It’s about the quiet work that happens in our hearts as we make space for surrender, faith, and the deep knowing that we are never alone. Prayer helps us show up differently in our own lives—with more resilience, grace, and love. And that’s where the real transformation happens.
New comment 3d ago
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Whew thank you for your post. I used to always try to figure things out or do Gods will my way. But once I decided to just be still, be present and talk to God things got a lot lighter. I have learned that the only thing I can control is how I think. If I’m grateful I’ll have a good attitude. If I want to be negative Nancy then I’ll have a crappy day. Just for today I will focus on having positive thoughts about myself and the world.
I Contribute To Peace
I contribute to Peace when I strive to express the best of myself in my contacts with others. I contribute to Peace when I use my intelligence and my abilities to serve the Good. I contribute to Peace when I feel compassion toward all those who suffer. I contribute to Peace when I rejoice over the happiness of others and pray for their well-being. I contribute to Peace when I listen with tolerance to opinions that differ from mine or even oppose them. I contribute to Peace when I resort to dialogue rather than to force to settle any conflict. I contribute to Peace when I respect Nature and preserve it for generations to come. I contribute to Peace when I do not seek to impose my conception of God upon others. I contribute to Peace when I make Peace the foundation of my ideals and philosophy. I contribute to Peace when I look upon all as my brothers and sisters, regardless of race, culture, or religion.
New comment 6d ago
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@Randy Hyden Thank you for sharing. I feel all that you mentioned should be principles for all to live by. Treating others with respect and compassion paves the way for a more understanding and peaceful society.
Welcome Friend!🚀 Tell the group a little bit about yourself... ✅ Post your answers to the following questions 1. Who are you? Where are you from? 2. Who do you help? What do you offer? 3. What do you like to do for fun? 4. What's the ONE BIG THING you'd like to get out of this community? Be sure to @ mention me, so I can learn more about you:)❤️
New comment 9d ago
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@Randy Hyden I am Nicole from Germany but have been living in GA for quite some time. I also live in Costa Rica part-time with my daughter and granddaughters. I help people who are haunted by their unresolved wounds, exhausted from hiding their past, and ready to stop sacrificing themselves while enabling those they love. I am here to help them shed the shit and live a spiritually aligned life. I offer a community (skool), Facebook group and one on one sessions. I love to travel and spend time with my family. I want to be a part of a community of people just like me, that is about growing in any and all areas of life.
1 like • 9d
@Randy Hyden yes absolutely.
Has most of America been traumatized?
Most Americans know what it's like to experience financial trauma, that gut-wrenching fear of not being able to pay the bills. It's not just about the dollars and cents—it's about the shame, the anxiety, and the deep vulnerability that comes with feeling like you're not enough. Living with the constant worry of making ends meet makes it easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed. This kind of fear seeps into every part of our lives. It robs us of our peace, strains our relationships, and leaves us feeling like we're constantly walking a tightrope. The pressure of rising costs, unexpected emergencies, or job uncertainty compounds the stress, making it hard to focus on anything beyond survival. And when we feel like we're barely holding on, it becomes harder to trust ourselves, let alone plan for the future. But here's the thing—financial trauma isn't just about the money. It's about the stories we tell ourselves when we feel out of control. It's about believing we're alone in our struggle when, in reality, so many of us are navigating the same storm. Healing from financial trauma means getting honest about our fears, owning our worth beyond our bank account, and learning to ask for help when we need it. It's about recognizing that our value isn't tied to our income—and that we deserve to live free from the weight of constant fear.
New comment 4d ago
Has most of America been traumatized?
4 likes • 10d
@Randy Hyden @Chanin Zellner I love this post. I was raised with the "just make sure you have enough" mentality. Now I understand how it created money blocks because I had the "just enough" in my subconscious. Being totally transparent I still find myself challenged in that area at times.
After hanging out with and learning from a bunch of successful people, one thing stands out: the key to success is to make it fun! Therefore, the primary purpose of Easier Way is to help intelligent people connect with their inner wisdom so that they can stay sober, have fun with good friends, and make a good living doing what they love. And when I talk about staying sober, I mean letting go of any harmful habits that prevent us from enjoying life. You do not need to identify as having an affliction that would qualify you for a 12-step group. This is designed for anyone who wants to improve their life. You are invited to join this community and connect with like-minded individuals seeking a safe space to express themselves. Our online platform is about personal growth, prosperity, and supporting each other. It's the perfect place for free spirits and non-conformists working to overcome challenges, unleash their potential, and live on their own terms. And typically the people who benefit the most from their time in online communities understand that they get back what they put in! So please, share your insights. Encourage and thank others who share what's working for them. We would appreciate that you answer questions if you can and connect people. Whenever possible, please share resources and things that helped you. And lastly, the guidelines of our community... The Dos - Be Kind: Use respectful language to recognize and appreciate different perspectives and cultures. Communicate thoughtfully and purposefully. Remember that everyone's path to healing is different. - Be Inclusive: Let's embrace our differences and appreciate each other's unique life experiences. Diversity enriches our community. - Be Committed: The collective consciousness is Easier. We are better when you are involved and share your thoughts, but please do your best to share your opinions respectfully without giving unwanted advice. The Do Nots - No Harassment or Insults: Do not use sexist, racist, or discriminatory language. Harassment, threats, and the spreading of conspiracy theories are not tolerated. Refrain from sexual advances or violent language. - No Unsolicited Advice: Offer advice only when requested.
New comment 10d ago
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Hello, I am happy to be here as well. I am breaking out of conforming and it feels pretty dang good!
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Nicole Green
7points to level up
I am a recovery advocate and entrepreneur. I love to empower others to overcome triggers, mental barriers, build wealth, and live their dreams.

Active 2h ago
Joined Sep 4, 2024
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