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24 contributions to Based & Built (Free)
Least favorite workout
If you are working out, what is your least favorite workout? I have to say that bulgarian split squats are my least favorite exercise, anything leg is pretty much my enemy. lol
New comment Aug 19
Motivational Quote/Inspiration
"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man" -Benjamin Franklin
New comment Aug 11
1 like β€’ Aug 11
@Paul Bellizio Thanks! Only wish I came up with it on my own. lol
Progressive Catholic
I have identified as being β€œ Roman Catholic” for most of my adult life. I have differences around Church teachings, especially involving human sexuality, reproductive rights, and ordaining women into the priesthood.
New comment Aug 9
1 like β€’ Aug 9
@Taylor Ross We know that Human Sexuality is not fluid, everyone has the right to reproduce, and women are to never be ordained as priests. Easy said, and done.
0 likes β€’ Aug 9
@Taylor Ross Very True
[ENDED, Winner Chosen Soon] FREE Sunday Mass PUMPCOVER πŸ† - Holy Hour/Power Hour CHALLENGE!
Alright, this challenge is sweet 😎 The purpose of this challenge is to get as much time into the gym and adoration as possible. Here's the rules: - When you go to the gym this week, take a picture and post it here in the comments. - When you go to adoration this week, take a picture and post it here in the comments. - Each gym pic is worth 1 point - EACH adoration pic is worth 2 points! Person with the most points by next Sunday wins!! And the prize is a Sunday Mass Pumpcover 😎😎😎 Aaaaand begin!
New comment 27d ago
[ENDED, Winner Chosen Soon] FREE Sunday Mass PUMPCOVER πŸ† - Holy Hour/Power Hour CHALLENGE!
0 likes β€’ Aug 9
@Joe Jarrell I'm assuming at home gym workouts don't count?
I Wish Guys Knew Quitting 🟠⚫ Was This Easy
I quit 🌽 4 years ago and largely attribute it to this one tip. Guys who struggle with porn - where do you usually relapse? The bathroom. I realized this and so I went on the offensive. I placed an icon of my patron saint, a crucifix, and a statue of our Lady on my bathroom sink. It works as a beautiful decoration but also a reality check. There's 0% chance I'm going to debase myself in front of those items. I'm also not going to move those items out of the bathroom, debase myself, and then move the items back. That'd would just be super twisted. So -> Having those religious items gave me the split second of clarity I needed to resist temptation. I still have them in my bathroom to this day. Must always stay alert. Try this out and let me know how it goes. P.s. another cool tip is to do a consecration to St Joseph and wear a St Joseph chord around your waist. Serves a similar purpose. To debase yourself you'd have to see the chord first and either leave it or take it off. 99% of guys would never do this - too twisted.
New comment 17h ago
I Wish Guys Knew Quitting 🟠⚫ Was This Easy
3 likes β€’ Aug 9
This is like the elephant in the room when it comes to all of Christianity, nobody wants to discuss or talk about it, it is a huge problem for sure. I would say most guys deal with this at some point in their life, and others don't. It ruins marriage, and families, and individuals. Thanks for Posting @Taylor Ross
1-10 of 24
Paul Arlt
16points to level up
Just a Catholic guy looking to improve on my fitness, and faith. Hoping to make some good friends who can encourage each other in everyday life.

Active 12d ago
Joined Jul 31, 2024
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