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10 contributions to Based & Built (Free)
Break Up
Hey guys hate to ruin your Friday but gf just broke up with me and been in shock and don't know how to feel.
New comment 1d ago
2 likes • 3d
That sucks man will pray for you Word of wisdom - cut her off 1000% do not talk to her Do not ask her questions do not try to see how she's doing, unfollow her in everything
0 likes • 1d
@Rieffe Dacanay smart move bro
Advice for meatless Fridays as an athlete?
Hey y’all! I’m a high school athlete (football & lacrosse) and this lent I began fasting & meatless Fridays. I’ve continued it past lent because I think it helped me have more faith in the Lord, but football season is here and I don’t know how I want to go about it. I’ve talked with Joe and discerned that I probably won’t be fasting. That said, how would y’all do meatless? My pre and post practice is already meat free - yogurt & then a protein shake w/milk, whey, & berries - but lunch isn’t. Usually consists of burger patties or grilled chicken with potatoes. Fish and eggs aren’t really feasible - again I’m a student athlete so I’ll be at school and neither are good in that environment or cold. What would y’all eat? Preferably 60g of protein and 7-800kcal. Thanks!
New comment 3d ago
0 likes • 3d
Grass Fed raw milk or whole milk Pasture raised eggs Raw organic cheese Wild caught organic white fish Grass Fed organic Greek yogurt Honestly this is all you need
#1 Place To Meet Nice Catholic Girls
If my girlfriend were to randomly dump me today... And for some reason I'm only allowed to get women through one method / place... I know for a fact I could have a date set up with a cool girl by next week. And my place of choice would be swing dancing events at a parish in my neighborhood. .................................................................................................... These events are full of single Catholic women looking for a guy. They are receptive to being approached. Another thing - breaking the touch barrier is important for building attraction and connection. And at a dancing event it's NORMAL to break the touch barrier within the first 30sec of meeting a woman and asking her to dance... Some Catholic dudes i know can't even break the touch barrier after 2-3 dates! So learn a couple moves from YouTube - then go to a swing dancing event with some single buddies. And ask 5 different women to dance. Talk to them, flirt with them and see if there's a connection. If there's a connection - get her number. Or you can also play the long game and just leave without getting their info - but figure out a way to see her again. I.e. ask her what youth groups she's a part of and make a point to go to an event or two (with buddies so you're not alone) that she'll be there - where you can further the connection and potentially ask her out.
New comment 15h ago
NEVER Date Non-Catholics (Main Reason)
Is it a smart idea to date non-Catholic women? It's the age old question. Keep reading for my honest opinion (and I want you guys to comment your opinion too). I think it's ultimately a horrible idea. They won't have your same values - so they'll most likely nudge you to do things against your morals (drugs, premarital sex, etc.). In my personal experience - it's pretty hard to connect with non-Catholic women. It's almost like their life has no meaning and they live 100% surface level. No sense of the eternal or getting souls to heaven. I ultimately asked myself the question - why settle for a non-religious girl when there are plenty of religious women you can date instead? Some people will say "practice" but it's not actually good practice. You want to marry a Catholic woman. Not an atheist woman. "Practicing" on atheist women when you really want a Catholic woman is like practicing baseball by shooting free throws! ... Comment below - what's your experience talking to or eventually dating non-Catholic women.
New comment 4d ago
Why Most Catholic Men Are Single
You're a virtuous man. You don't do drugs. You're not addicted to gambling. You don't sleep around. But you still don't have a girlfriend. Why? For most people - fixing this one trick will unlock your ability to get a girlfriend. I know because fixing this one thing helped me and my clients get a girlfriend. In the past year I went on over 50 dates - and my average client goes on 1-2 dates per week after working with me for 60 days. THE SECRET: You need to pick a method of putting yourself out there, get really good at the method, and do it alot. ... Most Christian men want to "leave it in God's hands." But the problem is, God helps those who help themselves. He awards action. Not inaction. This is the problem that keeps Christian men from getting a girlfriend. If you aren't putting yourself out there a girlfriend is not going to fall into your lap magically. You need to put yourself out there and meet women. And there are three ways to meet women. Find women online, in your friend group, or in public places you frequent. It's that simple. ... And once you've chosen a method. Get really good at that method. Online dating comes down to taking amazing pictures, choosing conversation starting prompts, and developing attractive texting. Social circle game comes down to building a friend group, including women in that group, and asking out a girl who you really like and vibe with. Cold approach comes down to choosing the right places with good quality women, approaching a girl, and then having a good interaction. ... It really only takes 1-2 workdays worth of researching and executing your method of choice. Deus Vult ✝️🗿
New comment 18d ago
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@Joe Jarrell thx man 🔥
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Taylor Ross
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I help Catholic men find a feminine girlfriend through the infinite options method.

Active 3h ago
Joined Aug 29, 2024
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