Bittersweet news! We are opening Flow State II in Oklahoma! An opportunity fell in our laps that we cannot pass up. As a result, I’m heading down there tomorrow and I will be building up the new Flow State. Therefore, I’m going to be gone for a bit. Coach Jade is Staying here and may come down to help in a couple weeks. Jade, as well as your other awesome coaches, are going to step in. They are more than capable. Flow State does things different from other gyms. Therefore, I know you are in good hands. However, my attendance will be sporadic for a little bit. This was unexpected. We knew we were going to open up a new location but we weren't expecting to be able to buy a building for cash due to someone else’s desperate situation. Therefore, we are capitalizing! But it is time sensitive. In addition, Coach John Ryan had a trip planned in advance. Therefore, both of us will be gone for a short period. Again, the people who actually run the business (Jade and Jessica) will be there. ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated. Parents who train, having you help with kids class would be incredible (Rich). Even if you feel like you don’t know what you are doing, your presence helps a ton. As far as adult’s class, you are in incredible and capable hands. Trust me. I wouldn’t be leaving if I didn’t think so. It also gives more time for the other coaches to get that experience which is incredible from the gym. Though this is a fantastic opportunity for Flow State to grow, the growing pains mean I will be gone for chunks of time. But all good things! Thank you so much everyone! For your patience and your kindness. This community is incredible! See you soon!