Love the walk, not the destination!
The man who loves walking will walk further than the man who loves the destination -Sal Di Stefano- When I started, I never wanted a black belt. I wanted the skills of a black belt. I became so addicted to the experience of learning and being humbled, that it became part of my lifestyle. Find the thing that just becomes part of you. The thing that no one can tear you away from. Not even you. And I don’t mean video games. I mean something that adds to you, makes you better, and as a result makes the world better. Something that teaches you and humbles you everyday. An addiction to development. An addiction to the perfection of a craft. Once again I will be the main event at the CJJC Cage in Aurora this Saturday. I remember the excitement of being on any super fight back in the day. Now I have been multiple main events. It’s baffling to me. However, I didn’t start training to be the main event. I trained to be the best version of me. Which is never ending. And all of the sudden I’m here! I absolutely love the walk. Never satisfied with the destination. I am not going into that cage to win. I’m going in there to challenge myself. Win or lose. I don’t care. Walking in there and performing my best with a whole new level of challenge is my goal! Always building. Always the next challenge. Always evolving! I love that more than any status or title! Thank you to the CJJC for inviting our team back! I think we are going to give a heck of a show! Click HERE for tickets guys! If you want to see how my last matches went as the main event, watch this video!