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22 contributions to Content Academy
Automated Faceless Videos (Version 2 Preview)
In this video I explain the four main areas for improvement in the next version of the faceless video generator. (if you have comments or ideas drop them in the comments) Story Structure - 100% automated, or build shot by shot (or in-between) - Select an active project to work on Customization - Hotswap AI models for image, video, audio and music generation - Will be easier to develop your own story generator prompts - Ability to add b-roll using the new file system - Ability to add source material, analyze and create from - Consistent character/scene styles, camera angle and camera motion Reduce Costs - Fully integrated with the No-Code Architects Toolkit (reduce costs)Transcribe Media Media to MP3 Audio Mixing, Combine Videos, Image to Video, Video Captions Easy Install - 30 minute install (max)
New comment 1d ago
Automated Faceless Videos (Version 2 Preview)
1 like • 3d
Fire will be analyzing shortly Stephen while I am on the train ;)
0 likes • 3d
Ok saw the video Stephen, dang absolute fire, and u minimized the costs with it too, super cool. Many people will need that, digital experts like me will need this to clarify how to use this machine to every day Joes lol. But I love it, it’s absolute fire :)
Be Addicted To Never Quit 💪
Video says it all 😆 What are you not going to quit this week?
New comment 5d ago
Be Addicted To Never Quit 💪
0 likes • 11d
K guys my brain is getting overloaded from all the air share and air table plus I am doing air bnb guys, I think i discovered a pattern anything with the word air prints money. See latest video from Stephen about air table air share and social media automation. Try to process the video guys, and don’t give up. Key is not be a bird and instead be an eagle, and fly in the air worry free towards your freedom. Guys you can do it, simply repeat what Stephen does and u will succeed. I am seeing slowly but surely some incremental successes. Mostly in my mind though not in money making yet lol. So wish me luck guys. I need to see some likes for my persistency.
0 likes • 5d
K I am back guys, as I promised I am not giving up, finally cracked the code for getting insane amount of leads. Absolutely love it :) every little tip from Stephen counts. Guys don’t sleep on Stephen videos watch them, and if any of u want to advanced hybrid skills don’t hesitate to check out my community for side hustlers and feudal lords. Once the code is cracked it becomes so much fun building content and AI content driven plus pitching plus digital be spoke solutions for feudal lords :). Before that code is cracked hard to be motivated. If any of you guys want to learn how I cracked I have over 1000 workshops for you in my free community, all u do is get glued to it, and I promise many of u will succeed. Key is to not do one thing…. Feudal lords don’t want 1 thing…. They want combinations :) hybrid solutions. Also to get leads I didn’t use any emails guys, emails is old school strategy. True strategy is to be extremely irrational illogical and delusional and over time filter it all out into logic and constructive pathways. This is key guys….. key is not even creating videos for 2 days I didn’t do any of that….. there are easier ways of getting leads guys…. Now if u do learn how to create fire videos like Stephen then of course it helps, but the truth is u may end up creating something that no one cares for. Just like Stephen said there is hard way of doing things and easy way of doing things…. easy way is simply wing it and trying to build something that no one will buy and hard way is to go out and find what people need :). Guys if u listen to Stephen he is like a philosopher, if something doesn’t stick right away for u, few months later some of his quotes hit u like a sledge hammer….. with realization that what Stephen is saying is true…. Once u transcend and understand that, only then u will be to fly like an eagle in air tables like Stephen does with his incredible mind. Guys long story short, u need to be complete nuts or border line genius to make it. If u guys want to see how I get to show my level or insanity and how I am trying to create something similar like Stephen but not on Skool, then don’t hesitate to swing by my community and say hi.
Find your ICP - get rich
People over complicate it. When you understand the details of your ICP you can become rich. This stands for ideal customer profile This is because you know - who they are - Where they hang out - How much they make (to afford your service) - Their biggest bottlenecks (for your solution) So in my case - primarily agencies, coaches & consultants (have and can work in other industries) - Social media (dm outreach + paid ads + inbound content leads) - Need to be making $15k+/mo to afford service - Acquiring leads, nurturing & converting (essentially what every business leads to actually be a business lol) Once you find your ICP, you’ll know where to find them and ofc what to offer them. - have a killer dm script (with the correct follow up protocols) - Have a killer media team (for ads and targeting) - Licensed AI voice agents + conversional AI - Help with content making sure they become a face people know, like & trust From there, it’s all a numbers & volume game. Your offer and results represent the price you can charge. If you can take someone from $20k to $100k months in 120 days, you can justify $15k deals easily (and push for rev share 😉) Whereas if your offer only makes your ICP an extra $5-10k per month, it’s much harder to justify your upfront fee. Find where your ICP hangs and go all in. And then book your calender like this
New comment 12d ago
Find your ICP - get rich
0 likes • 23d
K found my IDP took me 5 mins to process this post, and 3 days to apply it in action. Yep I can confidently say IDP is the key.
0 likes • 12d
Ok double downed on ICP, I think I finally cracked the code to get leads. I describe it here in case anyone is interested. I am creating something similar like Stephen but mostly mobile, faceless marketing using hybrid skill combinations. Details explained here. Indeed I listened to ICP post combined it with Stephen’s tips and started getting more leads.
Secret to success is to be irrational
Guys sometimes being irrational is the key to freedom. I find many people sitting in cubical not taking action, being process prisoners. Remember being just an employee won’t make you rich. I get it… some of us don’t even want to be rich, but just want to have good enough of income to feel good. It’s hard to run a business. It’s hard to be always chasing money. It’s hard to be a father or a mother. So what is the alternative? Alternative is to be accurate and so logical, because that is what we were taught to do…. But have you ever tried to do something that is irrational or what appear to be illogical? How many of you guys tried of simply reaching to someone for no reason other than to say hi? Be that person who once in a while does that, we need more people in society like that, who simply does something without needing something in return. Try that sometimes…. And I promise you…. Your luck will change.
New comment 15d ago
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@George Osefa wow you went all philosophical on me, I dig that. What I meant to say, is that one needs to do opposite of what the general population does. I for the first time in my life tried doing something what I thought appear to be irrational and seen success. Sometimes we simply need to relearn the new skills and unlearn old skills. What appears to be irrational in the state of present mind, in comparison to what is perceived as irrational is realization of constant and infinite thoughts transcended in real time into your future state of mind, upon observational moments, and discoveries of what was once thought appear to be irrational no longer appears irrational and turns into rational state of mind. My name is Rome Wells and I am irrational thinker, who is a philosopher, mathematician, Cyber Security Engineer, and a side hustler who moves in super fast pace depending not on logic, but on the freedom fusion flow, embedded in my internal self, based on what I see when I see and what I perceive :) Now here is a little dancing Gif for you for observing the post and recognizing such irrationality. :) my gift to you :) Rememeber to make money, one must cancel and remove what appears to be logical and replace it with what will make money. I do real estate investing across countries, in Russia…. Seems irrational right? Yet ROI seems rational to me…. I have talent agency that I spun up with 0 skills, 0 business skills, in just few months… doing nothing but irrational things…. I had Pepsi company created a drink after my company’s name. It’s called Freedom Fusion….after just few months of me creating irrational videos. Once again irrational thoughts of my inner me simply doing what I want whenever I want and however I want based on fulfillment and not money is what I discovered works. What I care about is…. Transcendence. To transcend one must do what must want to do based on the need… that is impractical to describe in a single text, comment.
0 likes • 15d
My clarification to my response, guys in combination with a gift for you that shows u how to get leads, without building some complicated videos, and instead using LinkedIn. In case if anyone wants to learn from me, philosopher, engineer, mathematician and simply a good person, and want to learn how to build your very own freedom system, that will help you no longer be process prisoner, but be the freedom founder instead and apply some of these irrational levels of thinking into action and see how i execute irrational thoughts in real time… While also learning how to do something similar what Stephen is doing, then I invite you to start using my invention called Feudal System, u will learn what that is and will also learn why I don’t chase money…. I never do, but show u how to be free spiritual person and be able to get money come to you. Here is a gift for you guys who took the moment and sat down and read the post as a token of my reward I dropped this free workshop for you to help you guys develop irrational thinking and show it to you in action, while executing some of these hybrid skills on LinkedIn. Guys u don’t need to be over complicating this thing, just be a very good spiritual person like Stephen and good things will come to u. In fact heck I’ll help u guys develop something similar like Stephen in case if anyone is interested. Note building your mission is haaaaaaard…. Doing it on your own…. Without any guidance is like being lost in a big forest. Don’t be lost guys, I can help u develop incredible mind. So u can fly like Stephen, like an eagle across systems, and eventually making some income for yourself. It all starts with you being extremely irrational, and investing your time into comment like this….. Guys be irrational, use this link to help you see how irrational I can get, with psychological twists that I introduce in context of capturing leads. Guys this is sooo easy, u r overthinking this.
Delusion creates success
You need to change your mindset… You need to be so delusional if you want to succeed. I don’t think you understand, even trying to pursue something within this entrepreneurial space is delusion… You are so far out of the norm already. But to really make it, you need to have an extra set of delusional beliefs. You need to think you are capable of achieving anything… If you only think $10k is within reach, you might get close to it… But I promise if you think $1,000,000 a month is possible, you will surpass 6 figures with ease. That being said you do need a plan and the correct roadmap. But belief and delusion is what gets you started. The rest comes after. So from today, whatever you think is possible, aim bigger. I didn’t start getting proper delusional until I had people making near 7 figures monthly in my network. And guess what? Since then both my ambitions and results skyrocketed quick. Aim for bigger goals, better connections and higher expectations. Whatever you think is possible within any realm really is possible.
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 23d
I always tell people take irrational action and make it rational. Sometimes simply being illogical is what bring results. Speaking of which If anyone wants to practice some irrational skill sets, hit me up :)
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Rome Wells
23points to level up
former certified math teacher 🧑‍🏫 for the state of CT, Cyber Security Engineer, AI and Automation enthusiast.

Active 3h ago
Joined Jul 31, 2024
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