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17 contributions to Content Academy
NEW Tool To Create Short-Form Video FAST as Sh*T⚡
What's up yall! This is super cool, check this out. 👇 I'm kind of obsessed with making content creation as fast an easy as possible. We want to work smarter...NOT HARDER. 🧠 One of the ways I do this is by starting with a core long-form content. This could be a podcast, youtube video, livestream training, newsletter, etc. Then take that piece of content and repurpose it into a bunch of different pieces of content. One area of content I want to ramp up specifically is my short-form video game. 🎥 So guess what I did. I created a tool for our members to help them turn 1 long-form piece of content and turn it into 5, 10, even 20 short-form video scripts, to help get more reach and grow their audience faster. 👀Check it out and let me know what you think. Let me know if you got some cool prompts. I can show you a tool to help you gate them:)
New comment 6h ago
NEW Tool To Create Short-Form Video FAST as Sh*T⚡
1 like • 21h
@David Wardlow Thanks man!
Reducing Subscription Fatigue. No-Code Architects Toolkit Beta Release. Take a look at the new Toolkit, beta release is live and ready for testing. Please be patient as we workout any bugs, we fully expect there will be issues. This is for the curious and explorer type of people. Others might get frustrated and should wait for the production version. If you want support and access to the Make module join the No-Code Architects here You can still use the toolkit without being a no code architect member but youll need to use the http module directly. See the video for directions.
New comment 5d ago
Reducing Subscription Fatigue. No-Code Architects Toolkit Beta Release.
1 like • 5d
I got it to work by uploading the video on my own server. Maybe you could do a quick loom on how to make those google drive files public. I was trying the share link giving "Anyone with Link" access but obviously that is not correct.
0 likes • 5d
Now I can't get the make HTTP request to work...ugggggghhhhh
💪 Keep Your Head DOWN—And STICK To Your PLAN
This past week was tough. Various events kept knocking me off track. I made promises to clients, I had to deliver a new course to my community, and I have 2 YouTube videos to record. And I have to be a good dad and husband to my family. And its ALL important: I need happy clients, happy community members and more YouTube videos to grow my business. And why are we doing all this if we can't be present with our family? That means I have very little time for mistakes, or distractions. But things kept going wrong none the less. - An upset client called my product "ridiculous" - While recording videos for my community I kept making mistakes - I had to re-record hours worth of videos - I realized TWO of the videos used the wrong mic (they sounded terrible) - I was days behind and I still hadn't even started my YouTube videos With a growing TODO list, and less time to do it, there were moments where it was hard to do ANYTHING. I was frozen. All I could imagine was all the people I was about to upset, or let down. These are the times where you have to calm down, regroup, put your head down, and stick to your plan. For me the best method is simple. A quick drive to a local Airport where I can watch a few planes take off and land. AND a good old fashion note book to map out next steps. I mapped out all the things I still needed to get done, in order, so I could focus. One at a time, instead of them all flashing before my eyes all at once. I mapped out what I could do for my upset client, and presented the next steps to resolve the issue. I mapped out what was going wrong with my videos, and how I could use that to produce better videos. I found an AI tool to help me fix the audio issues from recording on the wrong mic. I decided on the 2 YouTube videos I'd record. And then I drove back home and attacked each item one by one. As I sit here right now, I launched the course (on time) and have only 1 more YouTube video to record. I sent the first YT video to my editor an hour or so ago.
New comment 15d ago
2 likes • Aug 17
Been there my friend, on top of that. I need energy to create videos. Really hard for me if I don't. I'm usually best in the morning and then shot in the afternoon.
Question about short form clips
@Stephen G. Pope when you're filming what looks like maybe a coaching call or something and you have a side camera view. How are you filming those? Is that a digital camera or phone? If phone does it take up a ton of space? Next question, do you go find the clips or does someone do that for you? Haven't had luck finding good people to pull clips not sure why it's so difficult lol Thank you in advance, Ron
New comment Aug 14
Question about short form clips
0 likes • Aug 14
@Stephen G. Pope awesome thanks for the quick response!
Automated posting to YouTube Shorts?
Anyone got any tips for automatic posting to YouTube shorts? Does it specify itself if the video is vertical and less than 60s?
New comment Jul 12
1 like • Jul 12
If you're using Metricool and using an autolist you have to specify shorts in the YouTube setting of your autolist
0 likes • Jul 12
@Sascha Franz I just restarted back and have only used Metricool since restarting so can't really say. You?
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Ron Medlin
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