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The Creative Boss Society

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The Creative Boss Society is here to help multi passionate solopreneurs reach your goals no matter if it's time, freedom, or revenue-based.


50 contributions to Creator Party
ConvertKit vs Mailerlite
I am finally at the point of simplifying my tech stack (and hopefully trimming the expense bloat) I'm moving my funnels back to main WordPress site and ditching Highlevel. But this leaves me with needing an email tool. I need automations. Don't really need landing pages, forms, etc. My goal is to set up more evergreen email sequences over the next year and I want detailed stats so I know where to fix things. If you use ConvertKit or Mailerlite, I'd love to know why you like it.
New comment 18m ago
Waiting impatiently for the next Evergreen Everyday module to drop.
Anyone else binging all the content as soon as it's out? No, just me? OK.
New comment 10d ago
Waiting impatiently for the next Evergreen Everyday module to drop.
2 likes • 11d
I'm hoping to squeeze in time this week to catch up before the next batch drop. But I also grabbed the Flash Sale templates so I've got the debrief to watch. 🤣
Evergreen Every Day: Module 1 is LIVE! 🎉
If you are in Evergreen Every Day: go check out the new lessons in the classroom! ⭐ Module 1 "The Mindset of Evergreen Sales" is LIVE! I know we're all excited to get into the tactical side of things, and we will soon, but the MINDSET of making daily sales is so key to this process. It's the foundation of everything. Go through all the Mindset lessons now so that you are ready to take action when the Product, Funnel, and Revenue Routines modules go live soon! 😭 Not to be dramatic but I cried recording these lessons, they are THAT powerful. ​If you're enrolled, get started right here.​ ➡️ Then, post in the community here about your biggest takeaway, a-ha moment, or breakthrough. If for some reason you aren't enrolled in Evergreen Every Day yet...join us HERE 😉 New modules are coming soon! Here's what's coming to the classroom: - Module 2: The Profitable Products (from low ticket to premium, pricing, and more) - Module 3: The Funnel Flow (how people buy multiple things from me within minutes) - Module 4: The Daily Revenue Routines (my tiny daily tasks that ensure I make sales every day) - Bonuses: Results breakdown, etc (where sales came from, what's working, what's next!) New lessons will start being added to the classroom in a "drip" style now, through the month of September, until all modules are uploaded. After the modules are published, we will do our live Q&A session so that you will have a chance to go through the lessons and submit your questions as you go, based on the curriculum. I can't wait to hear your breakthroughs and a-ha moments from Module 1!! ❤️ ____ **If you aren't enrolled in Evergreen Every Day yet...join us HERE before the price doubles very soon! 😉
New comment 26d ago
Evergreen Every Day: Module 1 is LIVE! 🎉
7 likes • 26d
My biggest ah-ha, game changing moment when it finally clicked that those that find me annoying are probably never going to buy from me anyway so why would I care what they think. Why would keep wasting money to have them on email list. The people that find value in what I have to say will stick around, everyone else will see themselves out.
🎉 Start Here: Welcome to Creator Party!
Hello and a very warm welcome to the premiere destination for Creators monetizing their online businesses through Content, Community and Courses! This is the place to talk about all things content creation, community growth, online courses, creative digital products, sales and marketing, and all the “real life” stuff that comes along with being a full-time online course and content creator. Mariah and the team host virtual events, workshops, and exclusive fun stuff in here to help you grow your content creator brand and creative course businesses! ➡️ How To Earn Points, Level Up, and Unlock Premium Content: When you post a win, a question, or a value bomb, you earn points when someone likes your post and/or comments. The more you engage with this group (posting, commenting, sharing, liking, etc), you gain more points, level up and are rewarded with premium content, courses, templates and more! As you level up, the rewards become more valuable. You can see the rewards for each level in the Classroom, here.  Start climbing the leaderboard, where our top contributors will win surprises too! 🏆 You can give value and level up by answering people’s questions, sharing interesting strategies or tools that are working well for you right now (not self-promotion!), and starting thought-provoking discussions. ➡️ How To Invite Friends To Join Do you know other creators who want to be part of the club? Just go to Settings > Invite > and grab your unique link. You can share your unique invite link with your email list, social media followers and audience. The more the merrier! We sometimes have special surprise gifts for those who refer the most new members. ➡️ Check out the “Search” bar at the top of the group The search function in this group will help you navigate the goldmine of content within this community. Use it to search for topics you’re interested in like “mindset”, “evergreen”, or “launching”. You can also check out our “Best Of” in the Start Here course, where we curate and save the most valuable posts in the community.
New comment 9d ago
🎉 Start Here: Welcome to Creator Party!
3 likes • Aug '23
@Kristina Surko Not every group has things unlocking at levels, but this is one of my favorite features as a user. Not because I am trying to unlock them all but to see a visual reward for just being here and engaging. I think it really nails gamification and encourages lots of people to engage regularly so the community doesn't fizzle out like Facebook groups tend to do.
3 likes • Aug 2
@Heather Cole welcome!
how content made me 💵 last week
PRE-PS: Have you watched ​my new video​ where I shared some initial revenue, ad ROAS, sales results *and* the mindset shift behind my "sell every day" experiment? It's literal gold. 💵 Okay - so how did publishing + repurposing ONE piece of content make me sales every day for the past week? One thing we track with our sales is where people are coming from and why they are buying. I want to know what marketing channels and content is turning into actual sales! We collect this data at checkout and organize it in our customer database to crunch the numbers. You can see the database from a few days of sales here...and see what is inspiring people to purchase our products (see screenshot below) As you can see - my emails, the podcast, and ads are definitely bringing in sales for this product! Here's an example just from a few hours of sales (see screenshot attached). Notice how these sales are coming from all different pathways and platforms. I shared ONE piece of content last week. And I repurposed that same single piece of content into: 🎙️ Podcast 📑 Blog post ✉️ Email newsletter 🤳 Live Stream 📱 Social Media content ❤️ a post in our free Community The results of repurposing my one piece of content like this? Peek at our sales the last few days since I shared this piece of content on July 3rd (and repurposed/republished, using what I teach in ​Content Machine​) - check out the screenshot below! Some of these sales are from ads too! But look at how many people are telling us the reason they bought is also because of the Podcast, Email, and Community posts. Repurposing my content on multiple platforms and formats makes me more $$$ every time. I make content as simple and fast as humanly possible, because my team right now is just me and a part-time person, and it's summer so I'm busy having fun! ​You can get my entire content system + my templates in Content Machine today! ​
New comment Jul 13
how content made me 💵 last week
2 likes • Jul 12
@Mariah Coz I know. I was just telling my husband yesterday that it's super easy to make money when I tell people what I have to sell. And he looked at me like I was an idiot for just not doing it all the time. 🤣
1 like • Jul 12
@Mariah Coz I think it's more that we know it all exists so we sometimes think we have talked about it enough. But generally other people don't care, aren't paying attention, etc. We are all in our bubbles but think other people pay attention... even though they are acting the same exact way we are.
1-10 of 50
Sarah Crosley
340points to level up
Helping Multi-Passionate Solo Biz Owners Build Thriving Business to get back their time and energy.

Active 9m ago
Joined Aug 3, 2023
Chicago, IL
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