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8 contributions to Freedom Academy
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
As mentioned in the modules, the recovery journal is a very effective way to go on the offensive with your recovery. Up to this point, you have been reacting to urges, intrusive thoughts, and fantasies. Now it is time to go on the offensive! So here is how you can use this journal to maximize success: (I will know if you don't use this) Daily Entry: You can do one or both of these entries for your daily... 1) Talk about benefits, vision, or the "why" for that day. This can keep you mindful of why you want to get over your sexual vices, especially early on. You can even do the opposite, even though I personally don't use this one very often. So you can talk about what your life would be like if you were to continue to act out with porn, masturbation, or sex workers. 2) You can plan for you day in terms of recovery... Are you anticipating a stressful day? Plan on how you will deal with the stress when it comes up so you can ensure that you don't use a sexual outlet instead. Expecting down time? Create a plan... Use this entry to plan for potential pain agents so you can deal with them properly. This is my favorite use of the recovery journal and something that I still use to this day! Reactive Entry: Use this entry when you find yourself dealing with an urge. WHY? Because you will have DATA. WHY did the urge come? WHERE were you? HOW did you react? WHAT can you do in the future? It can even stop you from acting out, especially if you were to talk about your "why". Retrospective Entry: This is done after any setbacks that you may experience... Most men try to forget the experience ASAP because they don't want to sit in the pain. However, there is so much important data they aren't considering like WHY? WHEN? What can I do better on in the future? The men that have the most success in recovery collect this data when a setback occurs. If you want success, you do these daily below...
New comment 4d ago
Write Your Journal Entries Below!
0 likes • 4d
@Daniel Thomas I’m glad to see a brother become a champ and win this battle. Your words have always been encouraging and inspiring. I’m glad you get to put your money to very good use pushing your dreams forward. I pray you forever stay free from this. As you step out in freedom, do remember to be a voice to the many lost out there so they don’t end up going as deep as we have. Remain blessed always champ and man of purity.
1 like • 4d
Hi 👋 Guys I’m doing well so far in terms of progress on this, all glory to God and thanks to Coach Josh. I’m going to take a step back from posting daily and often like I used to. I have made significant progress in my mind. I don’t look to porn, masturbation and escorts anymore. I don’t think about it, I don’t fantasize about it, I don’t use it to cater for my emotional needs. Even when i get external triggers, the thoughts that come evaporate quickly and don’t stick and I hardly have to do anything about it. These past months of me joining have been the toughest emotionally in terms of stress, low esteem, boredom and being emotional fatigued since I joined. I haven’t used any of these vices mentioned above. It’s all been mental battles. I believe if I have been through what I have been through emotionally and not resorted to using but rather made significant progress then the coming months which are going to be emotionally easier I will be much better. I’m thankful for all of your help, support, difficult discussions and interesting conversations. I will always keep all of you in my prayers and thoughts. I will be in touch if need be. You can always reach me if you need assistance
Watch My Entire Story Here
New comment 15d ago
Watch My Entire Story Here
4 likes • Jul 16
Coach Josh, impressive story! Thanks for not giving up. Would love to hear how you came out of it, remember I asked you once 😅
Q/A Questions Dropbox
Every Sunday Afternoon I will be hosting a Live Q/A so make it if you can! Otherwise you can drop your questions below and I will answer them on the live recording! The recordings will be in the "content vault" section in the classroom
New comment 9d ago
3 likes • Jun 10
Question 1 If you have no urges, what does that mean ? Even when you have been exposed to unplanned sexual content or images not intentionally going to seek porn? Question 2 Does journaling your vision everyday rewrite the brain or the brain rewiring occurs when you encounter a temptation and then you use self talk and that’s when the rewiring takes place ?
0 likes • Jun 23
@Josh Stankiewicz Thanks Coach 🙏🏽
Good Self Talk Video (Going into more detail)
New comment Jun 18
Good Self Talk Video (Going into more detail)
1 like • Jun 18
Thanks Coach! This is massive
Just hired a full-time editor!
Get ready brothers! I will start to scale this movement! I've been lazy with posting but that will all change. Please pray for me as I go all in on YouTube and Instagram full-time
New comment Jun 16
0 likes • Jun 16
You are in or prayers Coach! Thank you for all the support
1-8 of 8
Kenzie Meyer
1,471points to level up
Seeking to learn and to experience the walk in total freedom.

Active 2h ago
Joined Apr 17, 2024
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