What does everyone think will happen here? Should s21 be outlawed? Do you have any belief that the courts will be able to keep up as a fair balance of the system?
The court system is in chaos anyway with huge backlogs. If the only way to get possession is using a section 8 which will require going to court, then it will further strain an already stretched judicial system. They have talked about a special housing court to deal just with housing claims, which may work. The devil is in the detail, so it’s a case of ‘watch this space’. Personally, I don’t have a problem with section 21 being outlawed as long as it is easy enough to get possession under s.8 when the tenant is in default.
Hi all! For those of you who attended the recent Newcastle Landlords Conference (and those who didn't), please find attached a summary of our main talking points including: - Landlord licencing scheme - Rent repayment orders - Abandonment