For us it's all about Real estate, Investing in ourselves through self education, self discovery, discovering our kids and investing in experiences that will take our life to the next level! We are currently tripling our RE portfolio with a creative finance deal, developing storage units, acquiring land for our dream home. We are in a RE community/MM, studying the new phases of AI and Social Media, Personality traits and planning an epic trip to Disney world with our family :)
@Brian Snow can I give you a little's not about the money. It's about the skills and connections ;) You can buy a property with $0 of your own money
Watch this and Engage in the Group! There will be prizes at the end of the month for people who are on the leader board! 1. Who you are 2. How many Kids you have 3. What industry/profession are you in 4. Why are you in this group?
HELLO ALL! I will be revamping the FREE community over the next few months because I want this to be a place of value and connections. Let's build time and financial freedom so we can do and be around those we love! Comment below: Have ever invested in RE? Do you have Children?
@David Roberts WELCOME David! I apologize for the delayed response. We had some hiccups with our team and our program, but we are back on track and ready to serve!