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Welcome to YNOT.Life ! The purpose of this free group is three-fold: 1) To congratulate you on taking a MASSIVE step toward self transformation. 2) To provide you exactly what’s needed to conquer both your external journey for success along with you internal journey for peace and balance. Without this, nothing gained externally will matter. 3) Selfishly, to indoctrinate you into the YNOT.Life universe. At the end of the day, when you become your best expression, we ALL BENEFIT !! Before you dive in with your first lesson: Skool has an app in the app store. I HIGHLY suggest downloading that instead of trying to use a web browser on mobile devices. Check out the "classroom" tab to see the free resources I've provided for you. In order to access these resources, you need to "level up". You level up with engagement; either thru activity within the community or completing tasks - Activity within the community (posts, comments, likes, etc) - Completing courses within the classroom - You're immediately notified when you've unlocked new levels. It's fun to play! Check out the "Leaderboards" tab. Meet and interact with others who are actively engaging in this community and mindset just like you! GET STARTED NOW ! Introduce yourself and earn your first LevelUp here : No cost and no pressure. Understand and implement the concepts in this lesson and you will have all you need to drastically improve the outcome of your existence. If you do not return, I wish you the best on your journey… Just do me a favor, once you’re rich and famous, make sure you drop a comment and encourage others to apply this exercise also. Thank you. BUT, when you decide you are ready for MORE, reach out and I will direct you where we go from here. This is only 1% of all that’s available to you with YNOT.Life