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Welcome to YNOT.Life ! The purpose of this free group is three-fold: 1) To congratulate you on taking a MASSIVE step toward self transformation. 2) To provide you exactly what’s needed to conquer both your external journey for success along with you internal journey for peace and balance. Without this, nothing gained externally will matter. 3) Selfishly, to indoctrinate you into the YNOT.Life universe. At the end of the day, when you become your best expression, we ALL BENEFIT !! Before you dive in with your first lesson: Skool has an app in the app store. I HIGHLY suggest downloading that instead of trying to use a web browser on mobile devices. Check out the "classroom" tab to see the free resources I've provided for you. In order to access these resources, you need to "level up". You level up with engagement; either thru activity within the community or completing tasks - Activity within the community (posts, comments, likes, etc) - Completing courses within the classroom - You're immediately notified when you've unlocked new levels. It's fun to play! Check out the "Leaderboards" tab. Meet and interact with others who are actively engaging in this community and mindset just like you! GET STARTED NOW ! Introduce yourself and earn your first LevelUp here : No cost and no pressure. Understand and implement the concepts in this lesson and you will have all you need to drastically improve the outcome of your existence. If you do not return, I wish you the best on your journey… Just do me a favor, once you’re rich and famous, make sure you drop a comment and encourage others to apply this exercise also. Thank you. BUT, when you decide you are ready for MORE, reach out and I will direct you where we go from here. This is only 1% of all that’s available to you with YNOT.Life
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Introduce Yourself / Get to know each other
Introduce Yourself Here, answer these 3 questions: 1) What do you struggle with most regarding Self Development? How is it impacting your ability to accomplish your vision? (What has brought you here?) - Keep it general. (Procrastination, self doubt, lack of direction, etc...) It's easier to connect with others when you realize we are all struggling with the same things. 2) What is your focus of interest outside of Self Development ? 3) Besides Self Development, what else could you use help with to move forward with your external journey? - This is where being a part of this network has MASSIVE POTENTIAL !!! You came here to grow internally, but together we can all grow in EVERY direction !!! Let's GROW TOGETHER !! Best Practices : 1) Have a profile photo. 2) Space out all your writings into single sentence paragraphs (like I'm doing here). 3) Welcome new members, make helpful posts, share your wins, and engage in the community to level up! Group Rules: 1) No Self Promotion 2) No Selling in the DM's 3) No Spamming the Community Feed
New comment Apr 3
Shit to do ... The keys to getting it all done !
How do you get it all done? I'm regularly asked how I'm able to accomplish so much in a day. I'm certainly not an all star in a lot of things, but I do applaud my ability to optimize a window of time. I like the quote "We all have the same 24 hours." This had a great impact on me and assuming we are all fully capable, it holds true for all of us. It all comes down to planning and execution. I'll break it down. 1.) Prioritization and Planning: - Prioritize: Start each day having already identified the three most important tasks you need to accomplish. I have a Journey Journal which I use and is perfectly designed for this. - Set clear goals: Use a version of the SMART criteria. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound - Plan ahead: When scheduling out your day in advance, be realistic with time for tasks, travel, etc and allow wiggle room for delays. 2.) Focus and Execution: - Single-tasking: Focus on completing one task at a time without interruptions to enhance productivity and reduce errors. - Work in bursts: Concentration and energy are finite resources. Take regular breaks to replenish. - Time blocking: Allocate specific time slots for different tasks or categories of work to create a structured schedule and minimize distractions. Utilize your your resources during their peak performance. I do creative and physical tasks in the morning when I firing on all cylinders. Computer tasks are done at night to wind down and don't require daylight etc... 3.) Minimizing Distractions and Optimization: - Limit distractions: Turn off notifications, block distracting websites, and create a conducive work environment to maintain focus. - Delegate tasks: Identify tasks that can be delegated to others to free up time for higher-priority activities and improve overall efficiency. - Audit and adjust: Regularly review your time management strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to optimize productivity.
D.U.I. Program is HERE !!
Come and see how you can get a D.U.I. and BENEFIT from it ! When you're given lemons, make lemonade. Well, about 10 years ago I created a massive pile of shit. But apparently, that too can be turned into lemonade !! Come check out this easy to follow program that will provide massive value in your ability to handle adversity. We all will be tested in our lives. It's not the event, it's how we respond to the event that matters. Click here to see how: Have you ever received a DUI? What was your biggest take away from it? If this course is not yet open to you, simply engage by messaging or leaving comments and earn points within the community. This will continue to open up additional content as you progress.... Do you enjoy the gamification to encourage activity within the community?
D.U.I. Program is HERE !!
Don't assume the answer is NO...
As I'm establishing my new community and developing other new ventures outside of Skool, I am putting myself out there to ask bold questions which I would have NEVER asked before.... I have understood that "the answer is always NO, if you don't ask the question", but only recently have I forced myself to put this into practice and ask for what I truly want. I had always believed avoiding this in the past had made a more resilient person, having not been given allowances which others may have utilized. Now, I am plagued with considering "Who was smarter?". Business is business. In many ways, only the results matter. How much opportunity have I left on the table which could have made much different outcomes. Learning is learning and our experiences are "Just the way that one went...", nothing more, nothing less.... but now I've learned how to overcome without, not I am going to see what happens when I ask. 💪 What are some situations where you feel you left room on the table or walked away from potential? And/or what were some massive wins where you swung for the fences and NAILED IT?!!
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Stop asking, "Why them and not Me?". Join free for a limited time only and flip the script. The life you desire is within reach. Come grab it.
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